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While Horror was carried to Red's cabin, I carried Red to mine. He seemed fine, there was no injury that I could find. Not a whiff of the Wendigo's scent on him. I laid him down on my bed, tucking him in with pelts. He looked at ease, not in pain, not suffering. That was good. I quickly dismissed the thought of looking over his soul. That was a bit too intimidate for a guy to do without consent. I grabbed his hand and pressed my teeth to it. I looked outside. The moons was so close it being full. Our ceremony is supposed to be tomorrow. But if it means making sure Red is fine, I'm more than willing to postpone it. I kept a hand on Red's, just waiting for him to wake up. And by the off chance that he DID become the next Wendigo, I would end his suffering... because that's what a good mate would do. The thought was terrifying, I was definitely looking for the brighter side of this situation. I rested my chin at the end of the bed and closed my sockets to pray for Red's life. 'Please, don't take him away from me..'


At some point during the night, I fell asleep. I felt ashamed when I woke up. I was supposed to stay awake and diligent! But Red was still asleep on the bed so I let off on myself. There was a light knock on my door. Cinnamon's scent came to me as he poked his head in. "Oh, your awake brother... I tried to get you earlier but you were resting. I don't blame you, last night was very stressful.. should I come back later?" I shook my head. "nah. what's up?" Cinnamon looked at Red quick before turning back to me. "The others were wondering if we will be conducting the ceremony or if we should halt preparations and wait."
"we wait. i don't know when red will wake up, and i especially don't want him to go through it while he's exhausted or wounded." I replied. The ceremony involved a lot of physical activity and magic to bind the pair together. "Alright. I will halt everything. How is Red? I see he has not... you know.." I looked at Red. "i think.. he'll be fine. how's horror?" Cinnamon shrugged. "Still resting, last I checked." I nodded. "Alright, I'll go now."
"hey wait.." Mine and Cinnamon's skulls snapped to Red. He looked tired, but he was smiling. "don' stop th' preparations.. 'll be ready fer th' ceremony t'night.." Oh thank Sakonean he's ok. "are you sure? it's no biggie if we wait." He shook his head "no, don' wanna." Cinnamon nodded and left the room.


Red slept on and off throughout the day. Eventually he pushed himself out of bed though and went out. I stayed close by just in case. "d' i gotta wear anythin' special fer this?" He asked as he hunted for berries. It was a fairly smart idea to boost his magic with, but it was a temporary solution. He was clearly done waiting on this ceremony. Red paused and I caught the scent of death. I grabbed his shoulder and pressed a phalange to my teeth as a HUGE snake like creature with black scales slithered by. This was Reaper, the Basilisk. Touch him, you died. If you looked him in the eye, you died. The only exception to those rules were vampires since they were already dead. When I was sure he was gone, I answered Red's question. "werewolves aren't big on fancy dress, so that's really up to you. let's get those berries and get back.


My bones hummed with energy as the full moon bathed us in its bright light. Tables from the Mess Hall were dragged out, the 'Feast for Wolves' was set out. Berries and meats of all sorts were set out for the ceremony. Paint marked the bones of the pack, showing their position within the pack. Cinnamon was marked with the moon, brother of the sun. Mafia was marked with the cloud, sheilder of the pack. Dance was marked with the star, guide of the pack. Outer was marked with the rain, healer of the pack. G was marked with the air, watcher of the pack. I was marked the sun, leader of the pack. Red wasn't mark since he wasn't part of the pack, but that was ok. The pack circled us as we let the moon bless our union. Yes. That is a thing. Dance's soft voice filled the silence as he 'spoke the moon's words'. "the moon approves of this union, sakonean gives its blessing, the alpha may mark his mate." Dance turn to me. Marks were a magical imprint a werewolf gave his mate, if others followed this tradition, I don't know. It takes a decent amount of magic to mark someone that's why I wasn't sure that we should have the ceremony. I let magic travel to my phalanges and pressed them on his scapula to mark him. My mark ended up being something like a skull and cross bones, but the skull was more like a wolf skull. The eyes within were blue and yellow. "now the outsider may mark his mate." Dance and I looked on curiously to see what Red would do. He leaned in and fucking French KISSED ME! When he pulled away, only then did I feel the warmth of his mate mark.


After that we danced, ran, ate, and drank, celebrating the new union. I looked at my hand where Red marked me, I didn't even know mages followed that tradition. His mark was a red studded bracelet or collar with a 'chain' that trailed to the center of the back of my hand. "soooo, what else is part o' th' ceremony?" I grinned at him. "everything else is more... personal." Red's grin widened. "'m likin th' sound a that. how personal we talkin?" I moved his arms to be around my neck. "very personal." He kissed me deeply and I returned it with passion and picked my mate up, heading for our cabin. I ignored the whoops and hollers of most of my packmates, G of course excluded as he scowled, as we closed ourselves in for some personal bonding time.

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