Not one of Us

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G wolf form

I trained until I just couldn't anymore. Spire Berries could only do so much until you exhausted your magic to the point where you dropped and just couldn't get back up, after all. Sans was quite worried, and I felt bad for worrying him, but at least now I could fire the Gaster Blaster. Sans had picked me up, bridal style, and started carrying me back to the clearing. "let's getcha home, red." I almost fell asleep in the comfort of his arms too, until the growling started. "what th' hell..?" He was a large grey wolf with piercing yellow eyes and visible scars. One going from his eye to where his brown ears were, the other going from his other eye to his muzzle. In a way he reminded me of my dad. Great. "g. back. down." Sans impeded a growl within each word. It was fucking hot. G, as the wolf was called, shifted forms. He stood taller than Sans by a lot. The small alpha didn't back down though, naturally. "What the FUCK are you doing bringing a MAGE here." G spat with venom in his voice.


At first Sans ignored the question, I was kinda curious myself. Why'd he bring me here? Surely there was more to it than just to 'keep and eye on me'. "Alpha-"
"i'll address that tonight at dinnertime. i have my reasons, g." G's tail bristled. "Please don't tell me that THING will be dining with us."
"red is, actually, so i'm warning you now. play. nice." G growled. "remember the last time the pack trusted a mage into our territory? Why our numbers are only six now?"
"i'll never forget, thanks to you, but red isn't error." Sans huffed, walking away. "You don't know that, Sans! This is a horrible idea!" G protested. "actually..." Sans muttered, mostly to himself, "i do." I looked at the skeleton. He looked to be in a fairly bad mood now. I had questions, but they could wait for now. "well wasn't he friendly? i think we'll hit it off well." I joked. Sans snorted. "oh yeah, just a ray of sunshine, ain't he?" I laughed a bit. "yep, sharp teeth an' all." We both laughed. "yeah, i'm sorry about him. if you couldn't tell, we've had bad experiences with mages in the past."
"remind me ta ask after my nap.." He laughed again. "alright bud, night."


A loud knock startled me awake. "now what..? 's it that g guy?" I grumbled padding over to the window. No it wasn't... it was the ginger wolf that was with Sans earlier this morning, judging by his ears and tail. I answered the door. "hello?"
"HELLO RED!" I cringed at the loud voice. "I AM HERE TO DELIVER THESE CLOTHES MY BROTHER THOUGHT YOU MIGHT LIKE! DINNER IS IN A HALF AN HOUR, I WILL BE BACK THEN TO BRING YOU TO THE MESS HALL. PLEASE DON'T BE LATE." He concluded. I took the clothes from the loud skeleton. "uh... thanks..?"
"YOU'RE WELCOME! SEE YOU IN A HALF AN HOUR!" With that he left and I took a shower, STARS I MISSED HOT WATER! How did they heat it anyway? Magic? Geothermal energy? After, I got dressed into a red turtleneck, a black jacket with some sort of fur around the rim, black shorts with yellow stripes, and red shoes. "did he make these himself..?" If so, holy shit he's good! I loved this outfit, and it was hella comfortable!


Cinnamon, as he was named, brought me to the mess hall. Upon entering, I got a variety of reactions. Mafia tipped his black hat in greeting, Dance smiled and waved lightly, G gave me a disgusted look, the one guy I haven't interacted with, Outer, his eyelights darted between me and Sans. The alpha remained composed, ignoring Outer and giving me a relaxed smile. "heya red, how was your nap?"
"comfortable, nothin like these clothes though, damn." Sans chuckled, glancing away for a moment. "thanks, made 'em myself."
"double damn... do i have to sit somewhere specific or.."
"ya can sit next to me." He gestured to the chair beside him. I moved to sit in the chair. I didn't want to fuck up some tradition and make G hate me more, plus I really wanted Sans to love me, blunt as that was. "listen up before we start eating. as you can see, we have a new face at the table. predator season is reaching it's peak, and he needs shelter from them, so i'm taking him in. whether he stays has yet to be decided." A chair screeched against the wood floors. G snarled. "You've got to be kidding! Of course he shouldn't stay! He's not one of us!"
"i'm with g on this one, sans. he's not a werewolf, he's a mage." Outer pointed out. "it's the alpha's decision in the end, so calm down g bee." Mafia reasoned. "Not you too!" G looked to his mate. "you've been holding this grudge far to long, let go." Mafia replied. "No." G growled again, stalking out of the hall. Shit, he's gonna kill me.

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