You feel someone tug on your hand so you look to see Rose. "Auntie Flo is SO emotional."

Florence turns around and glares playfully at Rose who yelps and hides behind you. "What was that, Rosebud?"

"It wasn't me who said it!" She lies. "It was Y/N!"

"Oh really?" Florence asks. "You better run before the tickle monster gets you, Rosie."

Rose squeals and runs out of the room, Florence hot on her heels.

You laugh and turn back to Scarlett, cooing when you catch her wiping a tear away.

"You're so adorable." You cup her cheeks and grin up at her.

"You won't be calling me adorable later when you're screaming my name as I fuck the life out of you." She retorts which makes butterflies fill your stomach.

You gasp when she grabs your ass, pulling you against her body. She smirks down at you which makes you blush.

"You're mean." You say breathlessly.

"You love it." Scarlett teases and brushes her nose against yours.

"Mama, I leaving now!" Rose shouts as she runs up the stairs.

Scarlett pulls away from you and catches her daughter as she jumps into her arms.

"Have fun, my gorgeous little girl. Be good for Auntie Flo, ok?" Scarlett says which makes Rose nod. "Mama loves you more than anything."

"Rose loves Mama too." Rose replies and kisses her mothers cheek. "Bye, Y/NN." Rose says and reaches her hand out to you.

You take her hand and Lena down to kiss her head. "Have fun, cutie."

"I will." She grins.

"Ok. Has she got everything, Flo?" Scarlett asks.

"Yup. She has a toothbrush round mine so I haven't taken hers, but we've got everything else." Florence assures.

"Ok." Scarlett nods. "Text me when you get home, ok?"

"I will. We'll call you later when it's bedtime. Won't we, Rosie?" Flo asks and takes her into her arms.

Rose nods and wraps her little arms around Florences neck.

"Not too much sugar." Scarlett says sternly.

Florence salutes her but winks playfully at Rose who muffles her mischievous giggle in Florences neck.

"I'll bring her back around 6ish tomorrow, I'll make her dinner before bringing her back." Florence says.

"Thanks, Flo." Scarlett smiles gratefully. "Bye bye, Babygirl."

"Bye, Mama." Rose waves goodbye.

"Come on, pumpkin. Let's go. When we get home, we can take Billie out for a walk, sound good?" Florence asks as she walks out of the room.

"Yes! We can climb trees as well!"

You what then chatter before the front door shuts, leaving you and Scarlett alone.

"So, what was that promise about you fucking the life out of me?" You ask and bite her earlobe.

Scarlett picks you up and throws you over her shoulder which makes you squeal and laugh.


"Yes, darlin'?" She asks and lowers her book to look down at you. You're both in bed, you're tucked away against her chest whilst she silently reads her book.

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