Krist nods with a smile. "So you guys have talked right? About everything? You haven't updated us. The update means you too, Perth. I need updates!" Krist frowns.

Realising they need to talk about their love situation, both Godt and Perth fidget nervously and exchange a glance. They have not even talked to each other since the confession. For a moment they had forgotten and gone back to their time in Australia. That ended pretty quickly.

"You first, Godt. Perth needs to explain more since you don't know the whole story."

Godt nods and sighs softly. "Well, we had the talk two day ago. Kimmon explained his situation with his fiancée. They do not need to be married if either one falls in love with another person. His fiancée is also supportive of us. So Kimmon told me his feelings and gave me the decision to make. I chose the option of saying I feel the same for him but I need time. So we decided to take it slow and let him chase me... for now."

Krist smiles wider at every word Godt says. He is happy they both decided to take things forward. Perth strangely feels happy for Godt. He does not know what happened in his past but he knows Godt went through hardships. Especially from his family.

"I'm happy for you. Let's talk someday? Just the both of us?" Perth offers. Godt blinks and nods, putting a smile in the room.

Krist swings to Perth. "You're next. Full story. Godt needs to know."

"Okay okay. Jesus, I didn't know you're so pushy. I hope Singto knows this," Perth rolls his eyes before clearing his throat. "Well, long story short: The day Krist and I met again, we went for dinner with Singto, Kimmon and their bodyguards. I got drunk so Suthapong brought me to his place. He kissed me that night and I woke up to him and Thanawat in the apartment. I didn't know who kissed me and they took me out for brunch and a dessert. After my confession, my mind was also filled with both of them. Thanawat cornered me one night after my class and kissed me. Only then I knew Suthapong was the one that kissed me that night. I began avoiding them after that. Suthapong did the same thing to me last night and asked me to give them a chance and reply to their messages. So ... that's that."

"Wow..." Krist blinks in amazement. "So is Godt still in your mind?"

Godt bites his lip nervously as they wait for Perth's response. After all, they notice he has not mentioned Godt.

"Not really... That's why I'm confused," Perth admits. "I don't know my feelings for anyone."

"So what are you going to do when they arrive?" Krist hints carefully. "You do know they're joining dinner right?"

Perth widens his eyes and slaps his forehead. He has not thought of that.

"What should I do..." Perth groans, making Godt and Krist laugh.

"And we're back to Australia. Remember how Perth always pouts when he can't complete his assignments on time?" Krist teases back. Godt laughs and nods.

"You guys are mean!" Perth huffs impatiently. "I'm serious here..." He slaps Krist away when Krist tries to ruffle his hair.

"Okay okay. Jokes aside, I think you can just act as yourself. You haven't given them an answer and I'm sure they won't pressure you into deciding just yet," Godt offers his opinion. Krist nods to agree. "Don't worry about it. We got your back."

Perth shrugs and tries not to freak out when he sees Thanawat and Suthapong again. He tries to focus on observing the two couples when Singto and Kimmon meet his friends. Then again, he has never seen Godt and Kimmon together. That will be something to look forward to.

The trio spend the whole afternoon relaxing after a huge brunch exclusively made for them. The lovely butler even served more snacks and fruits for their game sessions. Krist even whined for a much-needed nap after the amount of food stuffed down that could feed an entire village.

So ... Off to bed they go!





Perth stirs in his sleep, his consciousness waking up to sounds of kisses. His inner voice begs not to be kissed again while unconscious. Thankfully, there wasn't any hot breath or heavy weight on his lips or chest. He is safe.

He pops one eye open and sees a scene in front of him.

Singto lays on top of Krist with their lips mashed together. Krist has his hands around Singto's neck as he pulls him closer for a deeper kiss. Singto has a light smirk appearing as he enjoys the affection and kisses led by his husband.

Perth feels his face heating up and he attempts to turn his head to the other side without them noticing he is awake. He succeeds but is met with another scene.

Kimmon sits beside a sleeping Godt, his fingers gently caressing Godt's cheek. Kimmon has a tender look in his eyes as he stares at Godt. Godt moves a little and utters in a soft voice. "Mmm... N-no more foooood..." Kimmon chuckles softly before pressing his lips on Godt's forehead.

Perth groans internally.


A cough makes Perth jump, fully awake as he glances at the door to find Thanawat staring at him with his usual intensity. His violent actions also resulted in Krist and Godt waking up.

Krist widens his eyes and pulls the blanket above his head to hide his embarrassment. Singto laughs and places a kiss on Krist's hidden cheek. "Come on! It's time for dinner."

Godt stares at Kimmon in shock before noticing Perth beside him. He abruptly stands up and runs to the bathroom. Kimmon smiles and walks out of the room to follow him.

Perth gets into a sitting position and rubs his eyes. He feels a stare and glances at the door again. This time, Suthapong leans on the door with a smile. He goes to Perth and pulls him up by the hand. "Come on! Dinner is served!"

Perth is pulled along to the dining room where everyone is seated. He sees his seat between Thanawat and Suthapong.

Oh God...



I had fun writing this chapter ~ Hope you enjoy reading too!

Next Chapter: Godt's POV on SingtoKrist daily routine ❤️

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