Chapter 40: Wow, an Actual Family Dinner! Haven't had that in Four Years

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"Smartass. Though, I doubt dinner would be any better than what you make."

"Aw, someone's in love with my cooking. Don't tell me that's what made you fall in love with me." They looked over to see Patton gushing over Darrell, making the fox melt into his scratches.

"The only people who cook better than you would be my human mom, fairy dad, and Mrs. Miller. My fairy mom and human dad weren't great cooks. Patton's a nice cook though, and we sorta work together in the kitchen."

"I'm sure dinner will be delicious."

Virgil pulled out a chair for him before pulling out his own and sitting down. "It's nothing fancy of course, just some fish, mash potatoes, and bread rolls."

Patton set down a plate on the floor next to the table for Darrell before moving to a spot at the table that didn't have a chair. "Well it's not like anything's going on, we just wanted to eat dinner with you two," he told them.

"And we're happy to be here, it's nice that Roman and Darrell are joining us tonight," Logan said.

"Thank you again by the way, it's really nice to be here," Roman said.

"I think we're all just happy that you and Virgil finally got together. It was killing us!" Patton teased.

"To be fair, my father for some reason didn't realize," Logan defended. "I don't know how though, because it seemed obvious to everyone else."

"You mom was so happy, and so was your dad even if he was surprised."

"We get it, everyone was just waiting for us to get together," Virgil interrupted, his face red.

"Reminding us of just how oblivious we are," Roman laughed. "I guess it really was my fault it took us as long as it did to get together. Though I am surprised you didn't feel the feelings I was repressing."

"Maybe I did but was too nervous to admit it to myself, I don't know. Empath magic is really confusing sometimes."

Patton tore his bread roll in half. "At least you have empath magic, Logan and I had no way of knowing how the other felt."

"You mean aside from body language and, oh yeah, talking?" Virgil pointed out. "Like, you two would give each other your famous heart eye stares every day. How did you not notice that!"

"That is very hypocritical of you, Virgil, given that anywhere you went you and Roman held hands like little kids in love," Logan reminded him.

"To be fair, they are little kids in love. They're younger than us," Patton commented.

"By only a few years!" Virgil shouted, making the others laugh.

Patton sighed as the laughter died down. "This is nice, the table hasn't been this full in years." He had a sad smile. Virgil could feel a bitter happiness coming from him, and took his hand.

"Yeah, but we don't have to worry about losing anyone else because of those hunters anymore," he reminded him. "They're gone, and they'll hopefully never return."

"And that's all thanks to you," Roman told him. "I am impressed with how much your magic has grown. When we first met, you could barely grow a plant. Now you can move plants, water, wind, and so much more!"

Virgil blushed. "I mean, that's thanks to you. As messed up as it sounds, I am kinda glad I ran into that iron bear trap because if I had met you any other way then it would have taken forever for me to show you my wings. I mean, I suppose you can feel my magic, I don't know."

"Oh, and I've been meaning to ask, Miss Kayda doesn't know about your wings, does she?"

"No but... I've been thinking about showing her soon? Like, I don't know, invite her over to show her in private?"

"Really?" Patton asked, his eyes brightening.

"I've been meaning to do it for a while now, ever since she told me she didn't have a problem with magical creatures. But saying you're supportive and being supportive are two totally different things and I've just... I've been nervous about how she'll react."

"And that's understandable, we're all happy that you've been taking it at a comfortable pace," Logan told him. "However Miss Kayda will definitely be supportive."

"Yeah, that's what I'm hoping for. I just gotta... figure out how to ease her into it. I mean it's a huge secret so I don't want to freak her out."

"So inviting her over, just as you said, would be the best decision. I think she would be honored to know this secret."

"I'm so proud of you!" Patton squealed. "We'll help you out any way you need."

Virgil rubbed his arm bashfully. "Thanks. I-I was thinking of inviting her over next week? On Saturday? So I have some time to prepare myself emotionally."

Roman wrapped an arm around him to keep him grounded, feeling the electric nervous energy coming from him. "If you want to do it on Saturday, then we'll do it on Saturday, not a big deal. I can be there for support if you want, or if you want it to just be you, Patton, and Miss Kayda that's okay too."

"I would prefer it if you were here. I don't expect you to tell her that you're a witch, but your company would help."

"Alright, in five days Kayda will know!" Patton said, bouncing in his seat. "This is so exciting!"

A/N: This is the second time I'm uploading today, so don't worry, you'll get another chapter tomorrow, and I'm uploading twice today just because

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