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"Your hand touching mine. This is how galaxies collide." ― Sanober Khan

School had turned so mundane, except for you

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School had turned so mundane, except for you. It seemed like the entire day just hazed together. Since we didn't have many classes the only time we could talk was at lunch and after school.

You walked me home today after my shift at Cafe Costa. You held my hand like it was natural for us to do such and I was so happy I can't even explain it. As we reached the little blue house with the small garden up front you turned to me and lifted my hand with yours.

You cupped my hand and something crinkled in your hand before you placed it on my palm and wrapped my fingers over them. "Open it,"

I gave a little chuckle as I opened my palm to see a bar of chocolate with the wordings, Damian and Auriana rule the world! 

I let out a startled gasp and you chuckled deeply lowly leaning into me, "What? We're always gonna be together!" I smiled and ignored the thudding I felt; my heart that wilted when you said that completely platonically.

You didn't know that I wanted to be with you, to grow old with you, to love you...

"Auriana? Are you okay? I'm so sorry! Are you allergic to chocolate or something? Oh god, I'm sorry I really didn't know, I mean I haven't really met anyone allergic to chocolate but. Um, that doesn't mean you're weird! Just so you know-"

"Shh," I whispered as I placed my finger against your lips, immediately shutting you up. I didn't know what I was doing until your eyes widened and I quietly retracted my hand, a little pink. "It's great Damian. I'm m not allergic to chocolate, I was just surprised you gave me something..."

 You gave a huge relived smile and squeezed my hand in thankfulness but there was something else swimming in those blue irises. "Thank god! I hope you like it Auriana! Mom needs me home to help her cook, I'll see you tomorrow." 

You finished your goodbyes and gave me a wave before you turned away, running across the roads. I just couldn't understand why you demanded you do walk me home when your home was farther and in the total opposite direction of mine. But either way, I was happy you accompanied me.

I stood there for some time, a small smile on my face as I thought of how far we had come from being strangers to friends and maybe something more in the future, if you willed it so.

Standing there thinking about you, I never noticed the face peering at me from inside one of the windows of the blue house that I entered. Shrugging my bag off my shoulders, I headed into the kitchen to eat something. I usually headed to my room as soon as I came but I felt very hungry today.

So distracted in my thoughts of getting something in my stomach, I missed the suitcase near the couch...

I opened up the fridge and took out some pudding and sat on the chair as I ate quietly. No sooner had I taken three spoons than someone entered the kitchen. Not expecting anyone there, I screamed until I realized it was my father.

I blinked in confusion before looking at the calendar on the fridge that read 10 days before my Dad had to actually come. What was my father doing here and why was he back so early?

He looked tired and his eyes were rimmed red. I didn't understand what was happening.

"Dad? Is that you?" I know it was a dumb question but I wasn't really capable of thinking at the time.

"Auriana," He croaked back as he stumbled forward and slipped me into his embrace unexpectedly. The spoon clattered to the ground as he hugged me tighter. 

It had been a year since he had last hugged me at Mom's funeral.

"I'm so sorry, Ria. I'm so sorry. I couldn't believe that your mother had left and I thought that if I left you alone maybe I could keep you safe. I thought that maybe your mother had died because of me, but I was wrong. You waited for me and I never looked back, I've been so irresponsible and I have disappointed my only daughter and my deceased wife. I'm so sorry Ria, so sorry,"

My stomach clenched painfully as the man holding me broke down in front of me. He thought he had gone through the road all alone, he never knew how much I wanted him-us to go together. To heal together.

But none of that mattered now because the past was already done, it had already been written and there was nothing I could do to change that. But I could share my future.

So I hugged my father back and we delved into the spirit of the past. We talked and laughed and cried; reminiscing about the days my mother was with us. We talked about how to make sure this never happened again and we finally made up for the past year we were separated.

Damian, I could never describe the happiness bursting in my heart like a balloon. This was inexpressible - the feeling of everything coming together after a long journey.

I was finally home; with many more surprises in the future, maybe one would be you, I really did hope you were one. But only you could say decide that, would you?

 But only you could say decide that, would you?

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