An Unbreakable Bond

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The story so far…

Ayanokouji asked the Ayanokouji Group an unexpected request to help him fix his relationship with Karuizawa, which only made Kamuro feel more than hurt as she has hidden feelings for him but force herself to help out thanks to her bestfriend, Amikura.

The others agreed without any hesitation and so they get to work and everything was set it stone. The plan was almost successful, then things started to fall upside down however as they all saw Karuizawa running out of the room in tears.

One of the members, Shinohara revealed the shocking news to the others that Karuizawa will be dropping out of ANHS. While everyone was comforting a surprisingly distraught Ayanokouji, Kamuro didn't take this too lightly and storms out of the room to give Karuizawa a piece of her mind but was stopped by Amikura.

Driven by her selfish anger of jealousy, the two them of got into a heated argument to the point that Kamuro snaps at Amikura, saying she shouldn't have come into her life. Once she realized about her words, she instantly regrets her actions and tries to apologize but was stunned when Amikura also snaps at her and slapped her twice. 

For the next three days, everything was going downhill for everyone in the Ayanokouji Group. Ayanokouji and Amikura stopped going to classes, Hasebe, Miyake, Yukimura, Hirata, Shinohara, Nanase are hoping for a miracle, and Kamuro was broken.  

Kamuro overthinks that she lost and broke everything because of what she did. She lost her friends, her bestfriend, and possibly, the man that she loves.

She knew that she had to fix everything but was too affected by her own negative thoughts. Thanks to the surprising advice given by her former classmate Sakayanagi however, she was given a brand new light. 

"What…do you want, Kamuro?" 

Her eyes look so bloodshot, probably because of the crying. She doesn't even have her signature hairstyle. It just looks so messy and haggard. This isn't the Mako I know. Fuck…this happened to her all because of me. 

"Mako…what happened to--"

Before I could finish, I noticed that she's about to close the door so out of instinct, I put my foot inside to block it, resulting in giving me excruciating pain but this is nothing compared to what I felt the moment I lost my bestfriend.

"Ma-Mako, wait! Can we atleast talk this out?!" 

"What is there to talk about? I remember loud and clear about every SINGLE word you said to me."

"I know that…and I'm sorry about what I did but could you atleast let me inside first, please? I want to--" 

"You can forget it, Kamuro. Just leave me alone and never come back. You'll only make things worse for my pathetic self. I'm just a sadsack garbage airhead, remember? Well, I'm embracing what you said now because I actually am. I hope you're happy. This is what you wanted, right?"

Fuck…my stupid words really took a toll on her. I'm such an Idiot. Why would why release my anger on my one and only bestfriend? I can't give up now. I have to fix this now or never.

"No, you're not. I'm the pathetic one. So could you please give me the chance to explain myself? Please…I want to fix everything…for all of us…" 

Mako was silent, glaring at me with her almost deadlike eyes. She doesn't deserve to feel this down. Never again. 

She then gave a weak sigh and spoke while completely opening the door…

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