I love you just the way you are

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1st Person POV

"Ayanokouji-kun, please go out with me!" 

There. I said it. I finally said it. I don't know what's his answer going to be but even if he rejects me, I won't give up on him no matter what.

A minute has passed by and he hasn't said anything. I don't know what's happening but why is he silent all of a sudden.

'Why am I feeling nervous all of a sudden? Am I gonna get rejected or is it something else?' I thought.

"Hey..." Ayanokouji-kun said, breaking the awkward silence.

"Y-Yes?" I nervously asked.

"Can I ask the reason why you want to go out with me? You know I'm always quiet all the time and I'm not very fun to be around. Atleast, that's what they said to me." He said. I thought I was gonna get rejected but this was completely unexpected.

"Huh? Who told you that? You know that's not true, Ayanokouji-kun." I said, showing my concern for him.

"It was mainly Ike. Although I particularly didn't mind it as some of it were true that I don't speak very much." He said.

"Don't listen to what he says, Ayanokouji-kun. I can't believe he would judge you before they get to know you better. I hate those kind of people." I said, making a disgusted face.

"It's fine. Like I said, I didn't mind it at all." You can be so stubborn sometimes.

"No. Listen to me, Ayanokouji-kun." I said as I slowly walk closer to him.

"Even though you keep saying that you didn't mind it, There are other people that care for you like Horikita-san and Hasebe-san." I said.

'Even though I get jealous sometimes whenever I see you with them.' I thought.

"There are people who cares about your feelings, not just yourself. I include myself as well. It hurts me when the others talk badly about you."

"You know what I'm getting at, don't you?" I asked as I pinch his cheeks a little. His skin is so soft.

"Then, what made you had feelings for me to the point that you started to care for my well-being? Even though we don't know each other that much, you begin to care for me." He said.

"Is there a reason why you started to care for me?" He asked.

(A/N: For real, you don't need to give a reason on why you want to care for him/her. Always know that if you're having suicidal thoughts, remember that a lot people care for you. You're friends and family care for you but they don't need to give a reason on why they should care. They care because they want to care. They love you.)

"Do I even need a reason to care? It's because I like you, Ayanokouji-kun. Yes, we don't know each other very well but I would be glad to know you better. You can get to know me better as well. We can work this out." I said.

"Are you sure about that? About getting to know me better." He said.

"Ofcourse. I want to know about the real you. Whatever it is that you're hiding, I'll gladly accept you." I then held his face with both of my hands. He's so warm.

"Then are willing to accept my true nature?" He asked and held both of my hands, slowly removing them from his face.

I only nodded.

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