The Next Journey (?)

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"Come on, angel. Jisung's been whining about getting cuddles all day."

Felix perked up at the mention of cuddles and, having regained a certain amount of control over his own body, he followed Hyunjin back to the living room. Jisung, who was sitting on the couch, opened his arms wide the moment they arrived, and Felix didn't have to be asked twice: he promptly snuggled up with the day-older, his smile widening when Jisung tightly hugged him.

"Hi, baby. Heard you were a bit floaty, is that right?"

"Hmm. Feels nice."

"That's good. Don't force yourself to talk, alright? Let's just cuddle and watch something while the others finish preparing dinner."

Hyunjin gently ruffled their hair before leaving them be. However, it wasn't long before Felix completely lost focus on the documentary playing, the physical and mental exhaustion of the day finally catching up to him. In a matter of minutes, his eyes closed by themselves, the steady sound of Jisung's beating heart and his boyfriend's fingers gently carding through his hair eventually lulling him to sleep.


When Felix woke up only half-an-hour later, he already felt much better than before. A bit groggy, still, but no longer stuck under the surface of his consciousness, so to speak. He exchanged a few kisses with Jisung, giggling a bit when his boyfriend playfully began kissing all of his freckles.

"Alright, lovebirds. Not that you two aren't painfully adorable, but it's time to eat," called Changbin from the kitchen.

"Coming, hyung!" they chorused.

After one last kiss, the two got up and made their way to the kitchen, where everyone else was already busying themselves with setting up the table. After another minute, everything was ready, and they all settled down for dinner.

"So? How did your last day go, Lix?" asked Seungmin.

"Almost too well, really. We finished filming the last episode, and I just... I don't know. I guess I'm still trying to wrap my head around it," he admitted, a tad embarrassed at being so affected by something this silly.

"Lixie, you've been working on this series for a really long time. It's normal to feel attached, and to be pained when it eventually comes to an end," reasoned Hyunjin, squeezing his hand.

"I know, I know. But still, can you believe it's actually over? I mean, filming this series is what brought all of us together in the first place," mused Felix. "It's just... hard to accept that this is actually the end, is all."

"The end of a journey, Felix – but the beginning of another," replied wisely Minho, dumping some more chicken in his plate. "Now eat up. I don't care about your image – if the others can carry you so easily, then you obviously need to gain some weight."

Felix chuckled a bit, but didn't fight his boyfriend about it, simply accepting the food. Ever since he was forced to go on a diet for one of his numerous roles, Minho had become much more protective of him. Seeing Felix lose so much weight at once had really scared him, and he still wasn't entirely over it, even if he assured the contrary.

Even though they were all trying to cheer Felix up, though, there was still a bittersweet atmosphere reigning in their home. All young, promising actors, they were brought together to film this particular series for over two years, now, and it eventually led them to developing the relationship they had today.

So yes, it was hard to accept that it was over.

"Look, look! I'm a morse!"

Everyone burst out laughing as Jeongin suddenly faced them with chopsticks stuck in his mouth, making them move weirdly every time he talked. It didn't take long for the rest of them to imitated him, their entire group soon plunged into hysterics as they goofed around – tired, a bit sad, but ultimately satisfied with a job well done.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu