Until Death Do Us Part (MinLix)

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Pairing: Minho & Felix

Genre: Fantasy AU

!!TW!! : slavery (kind of), implied conflict, racism, angst, disease




"Minho! My, my, didn't you luck out with your little pet? Really, you've found yourself such a pretty one. Of course, nothing less expected from a demonic mutt, uh?"

Felix didn't even react at the backhanded insult, as if unresponsive to the entire world, but he definitely noticed how tensed Minho had grown the second his cousin had called out to him – and that tension had now grown tenfold thanks to this little comment.

"Daewon," he greeted, stiff. He plastered on the fakest smile he could muster. "Yes, I'm very lucky indeed. Was there something I could do for you on this fine evening?"

"I figured we could take the time to catch up, considering we haven't seen each other in almost half-a-century now." He wasn't even looking at Minho, though, his eyes hungrily racking up the smaller, almost frail frame of the freckled Demon standing just behind the black-haired Angel. "And, while we're at it, I figured you could do me a favor."

"Oh? Is that so?"

"Yes! You see, I've found myself quite lonely lately. Surely you wouldn't mind lending me your little pet for the evening?" Minho became as rigid as a statue, but his cousin either didn't notice or didn't care as he stepped forward. "We're family, aren't we? Family is supposed to help each other out. Won't you help me cure my loneliness?"

Just as his fingers were about to brush against the Demon's almost doll-like face, however, Minho suddenly grabbed his wrist in a vice-like grip. Daewon startled, but the blood completely drained from his face when he noticed the now thunderous expression on his fellow Angel's face.

"Do not touch what is mine, Daewon," he warned between his teeth, his eyes flashing dangerously as the air around them became colder.

Daewon's lips twisted at that. "Ah, yes, it would seem you haven't changed at all since our childhood. You were never one for sharing your toys, so I suppose this one wouldn't be any different." His eyes then narrowed. "Unless there's another reason you are reacting so strongly...? I've never seen you quite this smitten with someone before."

This was dangerous territory. Felix and Minho had always played the parts they were given to the letter, but the Demon knew how difficult it sometimes got for his Keeper to keep on acting. Felix didn't mind, having grown used to the insults and the cold stares, and also the constant objectification, but Minho was a lot more passionate than he let on, and his emotions sometimes got the best of him.

(They'd been together for many centuries, now. As per the tradition of the Power Exchange demanded, the youngest child of each of the most powerful Demon Clans was forced to become "Kept" by the most powerful Angels around. While they proclaimed it was to keep a balance of power, it really was nothing more than the Demon Clans being forced to hand-over hostages so the Angel Clans could keep them weak and on a not-so-literal leash.

Minho had become Felix's Keeper about three centuries ago, now. They'd both gone a long way from barely tolerating each other to actually falling in love with one another – though that last part was kept a secret from almost everyone, for obvious reasons.)

After a few more seconds, however, Minho laughed sharply, and the tension broke.

"Someone? You're giving him too much credit, Daewon." He released his cousin, sparing a disdainful look for the petit Demon behind him. "He's nothing more than a pet, as you oh-so-wisely pointed out earlier. Why would you want to sully yourself with the dirt and grim rotting him to the very core? If you're so lonely, you should find yourself an actual person worth more than the ground we walk on."

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