Littler Star (OT8)

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Pairing: SKZ & Felix


!!TW!! : male pregnancy, morning sickness, small arguments because hormones, implied birthing process, mentioned nursing, this is an extra chapter my book titled "The Royal Pack" but you don't need to have read it to understand what's going on

(requested by DodoLidia)




Felix was abruptly woken up by the urgent need to throw up.

He practically ripped himself from Minho's grasp, the older rousing with a start as the omega stumbled out of bed and rushed to the adjacent bathroom. Disoriented by the abrupt wake-up call and the sudden disappearance of his mate, the alpha fumbled for his sword – which was placed against the bedside table – and also jumped out of bed. 

He hit his hip on the corner of the bed, cursing a tad too loudly for the early hour, but somehow managed to find his way to the bathroom. When he arrived, fully expecting some sort of threat, all he found was the sweet omega hunched over the toilet and emptying his stomach with painful-sounding retches.

He dropped his still-sheathed sword and quickly rushed over to his mate, pulling his hair back and rubbing his back as the freckled man kept on heaving and hacking, tears dripping down his cheeks and his breathing labored. 

Just as he finally managed to regain his breath, a loud clamor outside Minho's room made itself heard. Jisung was the first to enter, rubbing his eyes as he tried to understand what was going on – he'd obviously answered to the omega's distress by pure instinct. Chan soon followed, and then Jeongin too. At that point, it was starting to get a little crowded but, before Minho could tell them off, Hyunjin pushed past all of them.

"Alright, you noisy pups, that's enough – give him some space to breathe."

Understanding there was no real danger, the alphas easily complied, and Hyunjin entered the bathroom to kneel beside Felix. He placed the back of his hand against Felix's forehead, the younger omega almost instantly leaning into his touch with a soft whine, his eyes fluttering shut.

"You don't have a fever," softly stated the Luna. "Do you feel better, little star?"

"Feel dirty," grumbled the omega, scrunching up his nose.

"That's alright, love. Come on, let's get you washed up and back into bed."

Since it was still rather early in the morning, the others all returned to their respective rooms to catch a few more hours of sleep while Minho and Hyunjin worked together to help Felix clean off the sick, change his clothes, and thoroughly rinse his mouth. He fell asleep halfway through, but neither minded and, soon enough, they tucked him back into bed.

When Hyunjin tried to pull away, however, Felix's grip on his sleeve unconsciously tightened, the younger omega letting out a soft noise of protest. Hyunjin smiled fondly, pecking his nose before laying down next to him, the younger almost instantly curling up against his chest. Minho smiled a bit at the tender sight of his two mates cuddling together before, eventually, he fell asleep again.


It's only after Felix got sick for the fourth time in three days that Chan decided enough was enough and he called for Jihyo, despite Felix's protests. The doctor only had to spend ten minutes with Felix alone to figure out what was wrong with him.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now