Happy Birthdays (JiLix)

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Pairing: Jisung & Felix

Genre: Non-Idol AU

!!TW!! : some fluff, but mostly EXPLICIT smut so there's that, lingerie, nipple play, nipple piercings, I tried guys, don't read if you don't like that stuff!

(requested by Hope_WinterBear)




Celebrating birthdays had always been one of Felix's favorite things. He loved loving people, and showing them he loved them, and making them happy always filled his heart with warmth and content. So, he was the type to always go all out for his friends' and his family members' birthdays.

Needless to say, he pulled all the stops for his boyfriend's birthday.

Jisung and him had been dating for four years, now, though they'd been friends since elementary school. It's not that it took either of them long to fall for the other, or realize they'd fallen – they had known from the start that they loved each other dearly, and they'd simply been doing their own thing without bothering with a label for a while, until their respective families began assuming they were dating.

Becoming official boyfriends didn't change much to their pre-existing relationship. They'd already been kissing not-so-platonically, and they went on all sorts of outings every weekend, and they slept over at each other's place almost each day... No, becoming boyfriends was more of a technicality than anything else, but they didn't really care, simply happy being with each other in any way they could.

Felix knew Jisung didn't need a gift from him to be happy, and it's not like the freckled boy didn't give him all sorts of gifts all-year long. Still, birthdays were meant to be celebrated, so Felix tried his best to offer his precious lover the time of his life.

He organized two different celebrations – one with their respective families, and one with their group of friends. He made reservations at Jisung's favorite restaurant, with his parents' and Jisung's promising to shoulder the bill as a birthday gift, and they went out to have brunch with them, their siblings, and a few other relatives.

Jisung was busy with "something" in the afternoon (Felix wasn't dumb, he knew his boyfriend was planning something for his birthday, which was a mere day after Jisung's), so it gave Felix the perfect time to go back home to their shared apartment and set everything up for their evening with their friends.

He set up colorful decorations, prepared drinks and dozens of snacks, and finally got around to decorating the cheesecake he'd made the day before while Jisung was busy with classes. It was the first time he tried baking a cheesecake, he usually just bought them from a nice little bakery near his dance studio, so he sincerely hoped Jisung would like it.

And, once he was done setting everything up, he still had an hour or so left to spare to prepare his last gift.


Jisung absolutely adored the cheesecake, and seeing him stuff his cheeks full of the dessert Felix had made with so much love definitely filled the day-younger with joy.

They had a grand time hanging out with everyone, all of their friends bringing alcohol, snacks, and gifts in addition to their festive mood, and the eight of them spent the entire evening catching up, laughing, and having an overall good time. At some point later in the evening, Felix found himself sitting on Jisung's lap, his head laying on his boyfriend's chest as Jisung talked animatedly with Minho and Changbin.

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