The Warlord & the Fae Prince (ChanLix ft. SKZ) [PART 2]

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Pairing: Chan & Felix ft. SKZ

Genre: Fantasy/Royalty AU (MAMA 2020-inspired)

!!TW!! : graphic depiction of violence, mild abuse, threats, manipulation, blackmail, blood, sickness, injury




Felix slowly came to with a gentle, rhythmic swaying. It took him a moment to recognize the telltale sound of hoofs hitting the road, and his hazy mind concluded that he was on horseback. His eyes fluttered open as confusion started settling in, and his sight blurred by sleep eventually cleared to reveal... a blue-haired soldier, a little to the side, riding a horse of his own.

Panic instantly set in as, all at once, the events of the previous day came back to him, but strong arms on either side of him effectively stopped him from getting away. He realized with a certain lateness that he was currently leaning against the Warlord's chest, and his breath started quickening.

"Chan, he's awake," called out the blue-haired boy, shooting the Fae a wary look.

"I'm aware." The strong voice of the Warlord rumbled, and it was so close it made Felix flinch away. "Don't try anything, Your Highness. We've long since crossed your realm's borders, and we don't have time to waste – it would be unwise to provoke me by attempting to escape."

Only now did Felix notice the cuffs around his wrists. Said wrists had been bandaged at some point, which surprised him, but the extra layer did help prevent any further damage the iron would cause. As it was, it was mostly a means used to keep him feeble and powerless. His chest ached, and he remembered the horrifying ritual they had performed on him. Now that he had a clearer head, he distinctly noticed the difference – they had somehow messed with his magic core, and it scared him more than anything else.

"What- what did you do to me?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper. He must have been asleep for a long time if his voice was so hoarse. "What- what do you mean about- about having crossed my realm's borders...? I can't- I can't leave—"

"The magic stone that was embedded in you following the ritual cut your connection to the enchanted forest."

The Warlord's answer was delivered with cold detachment, as if he hadn't just told the young Fae that his entire life had just been ruined for their own gain. Without his unique connection to the forest, most of his powers were gone, meaning he could no longer be eligible for the throne. 

Most importantly, however, without a Fae of royal bloodline to bear the crown, the enchanted forest would wither. Their only hope, now, was for the Queen to have survived, and for her to birth a son or a daughter to take her place once she was gone – if not, their entire kingdom was doomed.

Felix bit his lip, closing his eyes, but it wasn't enough to ward off the tears. They rolled down his cheeks, and wildflowers of uncharacteristic shades sprout up whenever a tear made contact with the dirt road below. Only the blue-haired boy and the long-haired man behind them noticed, and they exchanged a slightly amazed look. Even without his connection to the enchanted forest, the Fae's magic was still powerful enough to resonate with nature itself.

"You are absolute monsters," he hissed under his breath, though his words were heard as clear as day.

Chan didn't reply anything, either because he didn't care for his accusations, either because he agreed – one way or the other, his hold around the Fae Prince merely tightened and, with a sharp whistle, he made the horse quicken its pace.


"Err, Chan? Maybe taking a break wouldn't be too bad."

"We don't have the time—"

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now