Darkness Lies Beneath the Skin (OT8)

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Pairing: SKZ & Felix

Genre: Idol AU

!!TW!! : angst, obsessive tendencies, possessiveness, emotional manipulation, spying, insecurities, toxic relationships

(requested by @BabyCookieLia)




If there was one thing Chan, Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin absolutely loathed, it was to have Felix out of their sight. To know that he was somewhere out of their reach without one of them to look out for him was a dreadful, anxiety-inducing thought that quickly drove them up a wall (even more so after they all began dating). Felix was the kind of person who always drew attention, and they didn't want any harm to befall him.

Most importantly, however, he was theirs – and they absolutely refused to share with anyone outside of the group.

"You didn't have to accompany me to buy drinks, Innie. It's just down the hall..."

"I felt like stretching my legs," shrugged Jeongin.

Felix stared at him, unconvinced. "Right, says the guy who's been dancing for the past few hours." He then grinned. "You can just say that you like me so much you can't bear to stay away from me – I won't tell the others I'm your favorite~."

It was obviously said in a teasing tone, the freckled boy completely unaware that he was actually spot on. Jeongin simply smiled back, slinging an arm around Felix's shoulders to pull him closer, and his boyfriend was all too happy to lean into the display of physical affection, quickly wrapping his arms around the younger's waist.

"You don't need to tell them you're my favorite," he then said, directly in Felix's ear. "They already know."

That startled a laugh out of the freckled boy, who finally pulled away – and Jeongin had to really restrain himself so he wouldn't hold him back and scare him, though his hands twitched with the need to pull him closer again.

"Come on! Just for that, I'll buy you your favorite drink!"

Jeongin rolled his eyes at that but followed anyway. "As if you weren't already going to buy everyone's favorite."

"Alright, I'll buy you two, then. Happy?"


Before long, Felix was done buying a drink for everyone, and Jeongin couldn't help but marvel at how thoughtful the older was, remembering exactly everyone's favorites and not minding one bit if a few of them were pricier than the others. The freckled boy also refused his help, wanting to carry everything himself for some reason, and the two of them were soon on their way back to the dance room. 

As they approached one of the social rooms on the way back, however, Jeongin innocently put his arm around Felix's shoulders. The freckled boy stumbled a bit, startled, before shooting him a confused look.

"What's that for?"

"You make a good armrest – just the right height," teased the younger.

Felix huffed at him but didn't try to push him off. As they passed by the social room, however, he completely missed the way Jeongin glared at the few trainees relaxing there – he'd heard more than one of them comment on how Felix was really handsome and they wanted to approach him, and Jeongin had no intention of letting that happen, even if it meant accompanying Felix to get drinks every single day.


Felix woke up feeling a little groggy, and also a tad disoriented. It took him a moment to realize that he was actually in Chan's bed, the top bunk being a little lest cluttered with clothes and other items at the moment, hence why he decided to take a nap there instead of his own bed.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن