My Muse (HyunLix)

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Pairing: Hyunjin & Felix

Genre: Non-Idol AU

!!TW!! : pinning, non-con drawing (is that a thing? I have no fucking clue), sexual fantasies, sexy drawings, mentioned doujinshis, sexual tension, graphic sexual content, sex toy, shibari

(requested by @Rrre)




It started off innocently enough.

For about a year, now, Hyunjin had made a habit of drawing strangers. In the subway station, in the library, on campus, in a café, in the park – whenever inspiration struck, he'd have a drawing pad and a few pencils at the ready, and he could lost himself to his work for hours on end without even noticing. He had hundreds of sketches of random people he'd only seen or met once, people he didn't know the names or stories of, so he often liked to create those whenever he was bored. And, through creating these little snippets of stories and personalities alike, Hyunjin eventually developed a passion for another type of art entirely.

It almost felt like he'd begun living a double-life. In one, he was an artist with one of the biggest pages on Instagram, where he posted all of his more regular works like paintings, for example. In the other, he was an anonymous doujinshi artist who had gained another type of audience entirely, but who was just as popular, if not more.

(Only Hyunjin's best friend, Seungmin, knew about this second life of his, however, and that was because he'd accidentally stumbled upon one of his sketches.)

Usually, however, Hyunjin was careful – he tried not to draw people that remotely resembled anyone he personally knew or who he had to see often, like classmates or coworkers, because accidentally drawing those people in rather... provocative positions, let's say, created quite the awkward mental image, and it would simply be too weird.

Or at least, that's what he thought until he met a certain Lee Felix.

Lee Felix was his brand-new roommate fresh from Australia, majoring in the same Arts department with sculpting. He was cheerful and kind, loved baking sweets, and his deep laugh was the most beautiful melody Hyunjin had ever heard. He was also incredibly beautiful, as if the sheer brightness of his personality wasn't enough, so it didn't take long for Hyunjin to fall head over heels for him.

Again, it started off innocently enough. Sometimes, when he was bored, he'd make some rough sketches of Felix. Be it when his roommate was baking brownies, or when he was laughing at a dumb cat video on YouTube, or... anytime, really. There wasn't a time Felix wasn't beautiful or didn't inspire Hyunjin.

Felix didn't mind, and he often jokingly posed for him, unaware of the butterflies he set off in Hyunjin's stomach with every smile of his.

However, Hyunjin's own heart and mind soon betrayed him. The innocent sketches began turning more... bold. Whenever he tried drawing his doujinshis, he'd accidentally draw Felix's face. And, before he knew it, he had an entire drawing pad filled with sketches of his roommate in provocative positions and states.

Felix in a lacy set of lingerie.

Felix half-naked in front of a mirror.

Felix touching himself under his covers.

Felix as a catboy in heat.

Felix strapped down to a bed with a vibrator drilling his prostate.

Felix's beautiful freckles smeared with cum.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now