A World Just For Us (ChanMinHyunLix)

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Pairing: Chan & Felix & Minho & Hyunjin

Genre: Zombie Apocalypse AU

!!TW!! : angst, minor character deaths, bodies, blood, zombies, this AU is way less soft than my other Zombie one so watch out, betrayal

(requested by Cykrie_Lucifer10)




Ironically enough, everyone saw the apocalypse coming.

Unfortunately, no one did anything about it.

A merciless virus spread without warning, and the various governments were too busy trying to save face to really bother with saving their people. The virus was carried throughout numerous countries, be it by infect waters, animals, or even the very air they breathed.

Some caught the virus and didn't suffer from it. Some caught the virus and got extremely sick, to the point of dying. Some got so sick, dying once wasn't enough for them – the virus affected one's nervous system, making the rotting bodies move on their own. The brains worked, in some way, but no sort of humanity could be retained: all that was left behind were meat puppets driven by their sole need for sources of warmth.

Namely, other humans.

Zombies weren't a proper term for these monsters because though undead, they didn't seek to eat someone's brain like in the movies. All they did was rip people apart in an attempt to take their body heat for themselves – so, people called them Husks. The Husks were absolutely disgusting, completely merciless, and almost impossible to get rid of: they needed to blow their heads to bits in order to damage the nervous system enough for it to stop working altogether. However, their natural inhibitions no longer existed, meaning they possessed enhanced strength and speed, in addition to an uncanny sense for finding people.

All cities fell within a matter of days.

Felix and Christopher were best friends, they'd known each other since childhood and had been on a trip to South Korea together when the apocalypse broke out. They'd rushed to the airport along with thousands of other panicking tourists and locals alike, only to be told that any airplane would be shot down the moment they got in reach of other countries.

That's when they got separated.

There were too many people panicking, Husks already breaking into the airport because the more people there were together, the more heat they produced. So, with people screaming, running, pushing, and dying all around, the two friends couldn't keep track of each other and eventually had to give up on finding each other if they wanted to live.

And now, four months later, Felix was somehow still alive.

"Here's some water, ma'am."

"Thank you, child."

Numerous refugee camps had been built all over the country, but they never lasted for long – again, too many people gathered in the same place only attracted the Husks. However, there was still greater safety in numbers, ironically enough, and Felix didn't have the strength or courage to split from his group. Since he couldn't fight, he busied himself with helping around the camp. He carried supplies, prepared food, offered water – whatever he could do, from massaging an old man's back to repairing a child's doll, really. As long as he could make himself useful and keep his mind off the atrocities happening just beyond their fragile walls.

Their entire group was composed of almost thirty people, which was a lot. They moved every four days or so, knowing that staying in place would only mean their doom. However, this time around, they'd gotten lucky: they'd managed to find an empty supermarket, meaning they could safely resupply and rest for longer than they would normally allow themselves to.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora