Treasure (ATZLix) [PART 4]

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Pairing: ATZ & Felix (with JoongLix focus)

Genre: A/B/O AU, College AU

!!TW!! : selective mutism, a smidge of angst maybe?, some spicy stuff in the very last part, but the whole thing is overall pretty sweet




A whole year had passed since Hongjoong and Felix officially joined not only the pack, but their romantic relationship as well. Settling in this brand-new dynamic wasn't easy, even more so because all of them were alphas, but neither of the omegas would call it difficult, per se. 

There was a lot of navigating in the dark, of trying some things while having to avoid others, of learning to trust each other implicitly. But everyone worked hard and tried their best, with open communication being the key to their eventual success, and the nine of them were finally in much calmer waters, so to speak.

Though it had been a year, Felix had yet to openly converse with them, still. They didn't pressure him to, however, and simply learned to accommodate. The alphas were incredibly patient, and the constant efforts Felix put in verbally greeting them or thanking them every day didn't go unappreciated.

Felix had also learned to recognize their scents and associated them with safety – as such, none of them bothered with covering their scents when in their pack dorm. Felix felt uneasy with presences he couldn't recognize, but having the scents of his packmates out in the open reassured him – plus, it also allowed the alphas to approach him and initiate physical contact without having to verbally warn him first anymore. 

Once he got over his initial wariness, Felix quickly revealed himself to be an absolute cuddle-bug and, though Hongjoong was still and would always be his first pick for cuddles, he no longer hesitated in seeking out affection and attention from the alphas, which was great progress.

Like now.

"Well, aren't these two cozy?" mused San.

Wooyoung peered into the living room and wasn't all that surprised to find Felix cutely curled up on Seonghwa's lap. Their oldest alpha and their baby omega had been the firsts to establish a bond, and Seonghwa was always the first Felix sought out for comfort when Hongjoong wasn't around. It was incredibly cute, even more so when Felix couldn't bear separating from the alpha, so he just followed him around like a little duckling.

As cute as the pair was, however, Wooyoung couldn't help but feel a little envious. He wanted nothing more than to join them and smother the omega with all the love he deserved, but he knew Felix wasn't comfortable with numerous alphas around when he wasn't in a needy state induced by pre-heat.

Plus, he and San had been warned by Jongho and Hongjoong a few days ago to lay off of Felix for a bit. The two alphas hadn't really thought things through when they joined him in the kitchen the other day and started teasing him – they could tell Felix was in a good mood, and they just wanted to make him smile some more! But in their eagerness, they became a little too overbearing, and their intensifying scents almost sent Felix into a scent-high.

(They still had to learn how to better control their scents when they weren't wearing the usual blockers, but it wasn't always easy.)

Wooyoung and San didn't mean for things to get out of control like that but, thankfully, Hongjoong had stepped in before anything could happen, and he and Jongho had then scolded the pair before telling them to leave Felix some space – but Wooyoung missed their baby omega like crazy.

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