Boggarts & Bludgers (MinJiLix)

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Pairing: Minho & Felix & Jisung

Genre: Harry Potter AU

!!TW!! : mild angst, unrequited love (or is it?), misunderstandings, major injuries but it's Harry Potter so magic healing~

(requested by @hwalix)




"You're staring again."

Felix startled, his eyes snapping back to Seungmin. "What?"

"You're staring again," repeated the Ravenclaw, rolling his eyes.

"I'm not," huffed Felix.

But just as he said that, an all-too-familiar laughter caught his attention and instantly drew his attention back to the other side of the dining hall. Han Jisung had always been a loudmouth, but Felix found it charming. And of course, wherever Jisung went, his fellow Slytherin Lee Minho followed. He was a year older, but the pair stuck together like glue.

A piece of bread hit him square in the forehead, snapping him out of his daze.


"You're helpless," snorted Seungmin. "You should just talk to them, Lix. Seeing you hopelessly pin after them is starting to hurt."

"I can't do that, Minnie." With a soft sigh, Felix let his eyes trail back to the pair. "They already have each other, after all..."

Yes, Felix had a crush on two different people. Yes, it had taken him two years to finally realize it. And yes, those two people just so happened to already be in a relationship with each other. So, like his friend Changbin once put it, his own feelings really screwed him over this time around.

Seungmin simply sighed again as he realized he'd lost Felix once more. There was simply no reasoning with that boy.


Felix was scared of many things, like any other person in this school. As such, when their DADA teacher announced that they would be practicing a new spell against a Boggart in order to polish their basics for the upcoming test, he didn't really know what to expect – the last time he'd faced a Boggart, it had taken the form of a giant snake, but Felix doubted it'd be the same again. He'd grown out of his fear of snakes in the past few years, but there was nothing else that immediately came to mind. He didn't like blood that much, so he sincerely hoped it wouldn't be something too horrifying. He was terrified by those horror movies from the muggle world his cousin made him watch last summer, though, so maybe the Boggart would use that?

While he loved DADA like most of the student, there was however one thing he didn't exactly appreciate about the class: everyone would be performing the spell for all the others to see. As such, everyone would know each other's greatest fears, and that was the kind of vulnerability not everyone appreciated showing. 

Still, it was admittedly a little interesting to learn more about his classmates. Even after so many years together, Felix couldn't possibly know everything about them. Seungmin's fear of failing to earn his diploma was expected, while Hyunjin's fear of ducks was an unexpected surprise.

The one Felix was looking most forward to, however, was most definitely Jisung's.

Since they were the same year, they shared most of their classes. They did happen to talk here and then, sometimes getting paired up for homework, but Felix never had the courage to actively seek him out to talk or outright sit next to him. He was once again content to watch from a distance, though his heart always twisted a little bit with yearning whenever he stared for too long.

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