My Pretty Boy (JiLix)

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Pairing: Jisung & Felix

Genre: Mafia AU

!!TW!! : Felix only speaks English in this (barely understands any Korean) so Korean will be italicized, angst, mentioned stalking, drugging, kidnapping, would this be considered yandere behavior?




"Chris, I'm telling you we're lost—"

"No, we're not, I promise. All we gotta do is turn left!"

"... this is a dead end."

Felix and his older brother Christopher were on a trip to retrace their familial roots all the way back to South Korea. They'd set up a full trip to South Korea with the help of their parents, who happily supported their decision to go and learn more about the country.

However, barely two days after their arrival, the pair was already lost.

"I could have sworn it was around here..." muttered Christopher, checking the map on his phone again.

Felix rolled his eyes, leaving his brother to do his own thing while he observed their surroundings. They'd been looking for a particular bar to go and have some fun, but Felix sincerely doubted they were anywhere near it – the street they were on was completely devoid of life and light alike and, frankly, it creeped him out a bit. It was starting to get pretty late, and he just wanted them to find their way back to the heart of the city where there were more people. There was something off about their current location, and he didn't want to stick around long enough to find out why.

"Ah, ah! I knew it! Come on, it's right down this street!"

With a sigh, Felix let his brother drag him away. He forced himself to relax, rationalizing that Christopher was incredibly strong and lifted weights every day, and himself was a black belt in Taekwondo, so they would both be able to defend themselves should the need arise.

And much to his relief, they did find the bar they were looking for.

"Woo!" cheered Christopher as the bouncers let them in – though they'd squinted at Felix's card with a lot of dubiousness, something the freckled boy had pouted about. "Let's get this party started!"

Felix couldn't help but chuckle a bit at that, letting himself relax as he took in their surroundings. The music was loud, but not loud enough to completely drown out every other sound. There were lots of people around, but not enough to make him feel suffocated, and the general ambiance was really nice. 

No stripping poles, no shady deals in dark corners, no suspicious drinks handed about – everyone gathered just looked like they were having fun either letting go on the dance floor or chatting with their friends at some tables. Feeling a little more at peace with their choice of destination, Felix let his brother drag him over to the bar, which was surprisingly unoccupied.

The bartender on the other side of the counter appeared surprisingly young, probably around their age. He grinned warmly upon seeing them.

"Hello, there! You're new around here, aren't you?"

Felix understood about half of what he was saying. Contrarily to Christopher, he'd never been really interested in learning Korean, so he only knew the basics. So, he let his brother handle the talking while he let his eyes roam around the spacious room once more, soaking in the good mood and the cheerful ambiance.

After a few seconds, though, his eyes landed on a very handsome guy. His dark blue hair was styled to the side, and he was wearing a rather revealing leather outfit that showed off the defined muscles in his arms. The dim light caught onto his lip ring, and his dark makeup really made his eyes and darker skin stand out. 

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