A World Just For Us (ChanMinHyunLix) [PART 2]

Start from the beginning

"Oh my God, Chris!!!"

Felix broke out of his captor's hold with little effort, the man loosening his grip upon realizing the two knew each other. With a happy shout, Felix literally threw himself in Chan's arms, letting out a watery laugh as his best friend caught him and hugged him tightly.

Things were bound to get better, now.


Minho and Hyunjin were released, their weapons were returned, and the three newcomers followed Chan back inside the tent, with Felix practically glued to his side and refusing to budge. He'd shed a few tears of joy but now, all he wanted to do was to be as close to his best friend as possible.

"I can't believe you're still alive," sighed Chan, ruffling his hair. "I was hoping for the best, but I've always been so scared... When we got separated that day at the airport, I truly thought I'd have to live on with your death on my conscience."

"It wasn't your fault," protested Felix, frowning a bit.

"I should have held on tighter, I should have pushed harder, I should have tried to find my way back to you instead of running away like a coward—"

"Chris, please," cut Felix, hugging him a little tighter. "It was unfortunate, but it's in the past, now. I'm safe, and we're back together now."

Chan smiled at that. "We are, indeed. Though, I suppose I have these fine gentlemen to thank for that miracle, hm?" He got up, extending his hand to Minho. "I'm Christopher, Felix's best friend – but everyone here calls me Chan."

"Minho," answered the dark-haired man, stiffly shaking his hand. "And that's my boyfriend, Hyunjin."

"We're both Felix's boyfriends," added Hyunjin, staring intently at Chan.

Chan paused, glancing back at Felix. "Are you, now...? Well, I suppose this kind of circumstances forges strong bonds. In any case, thank you, for keeping him safe. Of course, the three of you are welcome to stay with us for as long as you need or want to."

"How have the Husks not broken in here yet?" then asked Felix, curious.

"We figured the material used to build this mall is different from other buildings' because they can't sense heat from inside, so we're safe on that front. We've also condemned most of it, blocking off any potential entry rout saved for a few. Cleaning up the place from these monsters took a while, but we've managed."

"That's amazing!" gasped excitedly Felix, rushing to his boyfriends with a grin. "Did you hear that? We're safe, guys! We've found a new home!"

"Yes, that's wonderful, Lix," smiled Minho, gently patting his head. "Here's an idea: why don't you go find a nice spot for us to set up a tent and we'll join you in a bit?"

Felix tilted his head. "Aren't you coming with me?"

"There are just a few things we need to talk about with your friend first – security stuff, nothing to worry your pretty little head about," cooed Hyunjin, kissing his nose.

Felix let out a small laugh at that, leaning up to kiss them both on the cheek before running out of the tent, obviously excited at the prospect of settling down. The moment he was gone, however, a much colder atmosphere settled into the tent, and a stare-down started between Minho and Chan.

"I've seen the way you look at him," stated quietly Minho, his grip on his gun tightening. "And let me tell you this: Felix is ours. You've had your chance and you messed it up."

"Felix was mine first," bit out Chan, narrowing his eyes. "He's only known the two of you for what, a few months? We have years of relationship behind us already. All he did was take comfort in the two of you – now that I'm back and there are more people around, he won't need either of you anymore."

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now