Chapter 16 - food

Start from the beginning

And so on up the top floor

"Hm..." nightmare sighs. He walks along the wide hallway, passing the lines of chairs and doorways, "what time is it?"

Killer starts walking backwards, glancing at the clock at the end of the corridor, "21:50" he says.

Nightmare nods, "let's get some food for tonight, then we'll be fine. Maybe extra room, like you said." Killer smiles at him.

"Ok." Killer says, "..." he thought for a moment, "what is the main thing you'd choose to do?"

"Hm?" Nightmare questions, walking further and turning a corner. He couldn't see anything labelled cafeteria.

Killer steps forwards, meeting Nightmare's pace and keeping it, "you know you said you chose to do stuff you know." Nightmare gives a small nod and Killer carried on, "what would you normally pick? Like outside of work."

"..." nightmare sighs, "not much, I normally just go to a local coffee shop." He glances at Killer, "I assumed you wanting to know my interests."

Killer nods, "yeah, I've never seen you unless you were giving out jobs or working. I don't know what you like, love! Hate, dislike. I don't know your weird habits or hobbies!" Killer's hand move in an exaggerated way, "for instance, I liked sitting by the park and watching the sun set. The kids on the skatepark were funny, almost all the time, someone would fall over." Killer sighs to himself, "all their friends would laugh, the fallen doing the same and then standing up. They would all learn from those experiences..." it seemed he was getting a bit emotional, "it sounds like fun."

Nightmare noticed the sudden aura around Killer, it was faint but very weird. It didn't know whether to be; jealous, mad, upset, happy or none of those. "You didn't do that as a kid?" Nightmare asks, putting his focus on Killer, "I'd assume you had that sort of childhood, out every night with friends."

Killer chuckled but shook his head, "my parents were over the top. They were very nice, for a bit, but they didn't allow me out at all. I was homeschooled since I was born." He mutters the next bit to himself, "i mean it should've been that long." He then glances at Nightmare, "I just try to stay around people now, I need to catch up on everyone."

"Oh." Nightmare mumbles, "I thought you'd have been in a band or something. With everything you do." Killer laughs.

"Why'd you think that?" He asks, smiling at Nightmare, "is it because I always look tired or a bit over enthusiastic with my emotions?" Nightmare nods.

He gives a small smiles back, "you are very vocal." Killer grins at Nightmare.

"I'd have to sing aswell!" Killer raises an eyebrow at Nightmare, "you think I'd have a good voice?"

Nightmare hides his smirk, "I'm not sure, your voice is annoying so I think you would do well." Killer looks offended, but still very playful.

"Music is my life!" Killer yells at Nightmare, it would've sounded serious... if he wasn't smiling and trying not to laugh, "I would sing to get your love and everything I want!"

With that, he burst into laughter. Nightmare was listening to Killer's words, he heard that right. Right?

Nightmare carries on, trying to ignore the words he had just heard. Killer had stopped laughing and was smirking at Nightmare, almost as if he knew what Nightmare had heard.

Silence fell over them and they got to a pair of glass double doors. The sign over it was, 'Cafeteria' which was exactly where they needed to be. They just wished it wasn't such a puzzle to get there.

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