Angelo Bronte, A Man Of Honor

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About an hour or two later, after wandering the city for a bit, Arthur comes up to the park and sees Dutch, John and (y/n) with him. It looked like Dutch was talking to John and (y/n) before he turns to see Arthur.
"There you are." He said as Arthur stops in front of him. "You ready?" Arthur asked them. "Of course." Dutch said as John and (y/n) nod and they start to walk and head towards the large house that was across from them.

"What else do you know about this guy?" Dutch asked Arthur. "Not much, just that he’s some slick, little, greasy-haired European who’s clearly got power and money. Now, listen, if we go in there and start shooting up the place, the kids gonna get shot. That I guarantee. Feller like this is gonna have a lot of protection." Arthur said and (y/n) bites her lips at this.

"Ain’t no one gonna get shot, Arthur, so everyone just relax. We’ll charm him. Trust me." Dutch assures and they walk up to the large gated manor with a guard standing behind the closed gate. "This the place?" Dutch asked Arthur. "Must be." Arthur replied then Dutch turned to John and (y/n).

"You okay, John? (Y/n)?" Dutch asked them. "I guess…" John replied with a shrug. "I'm not really sure..." (y/n) said, flatly, and Arthur places a hand on her shoulder and she looks over at him and gives him an appreciated smile just as they come up to the gate and Dutch approaches the guard.

"Excuse me, sir. We have an appointment to see Mr. Bronte." he said. "Who are you?" the guard asked as he comes to the gate. Right when he gets close, Dutch slams him against the gate and puts a gun to his head. "You get your boss down here and now, so we can talk about this like gentlemen. Run along now, boy." Dutch threatens and lets the guard go. The guard runs off towards the manor and gets inside while John turns to Dutch.

"Was that the special Dutch charm I heard so much about?" He asked, sarcastically. "Relax…I got this." Dutch assures as the guard comes back, with a few more guards, and opens the gate. The four outlaws raise their hands as the guards hold them at gunpoint and guides them into the courtyard. "Don’t worry, boys, we come in peace. We just need straighten a couple of things out with your boss." Dutch tells them as they head into the building.

"Inside." the guard said, in Italian, and the three men and one woman walk into a room full of thugs dressed up in suits. In the center of the room sits Angelo Bronte himself in a chair, dressed in a red robe and reading a newspaper.

He looks up and noticed the newcomers. "Who are these clowns?" he asked his guard, in Italian. "They’ve come about the children we took." the guard replied back, in Italian. "With money?" Bronte asked but then Dutch speaks up.

"Why did you take the kids?" he asked and Bronte seemed taken aback by this. "Excuse me?" Bronte asked, now in English. "I said…why did you take his son?" Dutch asked as he points at John then he points at (y/n). "And her daughter. We ain’t got no problems with you, sir…nor you with us…but if you wanna start one…there is gonna be a lot of folks dead in this room before it’s done." Dutch said and Bronte glares up at Dutch.

"So, you walk into my city…stinking of shit and looking like this…and you come into my house, before you have a bath…and you tell me how to act? You ask me to show compassion? Have I not shown you almost infinite compassion already…by simply allowing you to breathe in my presence?" Bronte asked, offended and angry. "Indeed you have. Now…we are simple country folk. All we have is each other…and you have gone, and you have taken the children…over some dispute with some inbred ex-slavers. It ain’t got nothing to do with anyone of us." Dutch said as some of Bronte’s guards start to go for their weapons.

"You had nothing to do with destroying the liquor business?" Bronte asked, screaming. "We was innocent bystanders…and that which we weren’t innocent of, well we…we most surely were ignorant of." Dutch said, trying to defuse the tension. John, Arthur and (y/n) place their hands over their guns, getting ready for a shootout as it seemed like it's going that way.

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