"Nicolas. Nicolas Cruz. He's in your inner circle. You told him and he came to the Capello's. He's invested with them." huh, he's a pussy. Caved at the sight of a gun, I've stared down the barrel of a pistol at least 20 times in my life and wouldn't make a sound.

I looked at Hayes and he nodded with approval. The boy wasn't lying. And yet I did the reckless thing and shot him anyway.

"why the hell would you tell Nicolas Cruz about her?" I asked as I put my gun back in my waistband and Lo made a call upping the security at the house where she was.

"I made a deal with him, long ago. She was 21 at the time and I thought I'd give her away to him. I was stupid but he swore he wouldn't say anything." he spoke fast but I followed each word. Simply because it was about her.

"what's the plan?" I asked him. He shook his head. "we can't kill Cruz, it would be stupid. We need him for records and tech." he said and leaned against his Rover. Cruz was the best in the city in terms of tech, well not best, second best. Alvarez, my long time friend and brother was the best before he was killed. I don't think I got my head right after he died. I still feel him around me sometimes, hear his voice of reason in my head. I've handled the deaths of my own parents, but the loss of Christian Alvarez became a wound for me that never healed. There was nothing he couldn't do, he was alarmingly good at everything but after he died, Nicolas edged his way into the underworld. He was good at it too, he could find anyone, erase anything and never leave a trace. We needed him.

"so now what?" I ask him. He looked me in the eye.

"we keep her safe." he responded. There was no questioning that. He opened his car door and Lo came to us. "she's fine dad, mom too. House is secure but we need to do something about this." he said. He's right.

"do you have a safe house?" I asked him. He sighed. "I can get her anywhere in New York. But I don't want her to go. They don't know what she looks like Axle. I can keep her safe." he said.

He's also right. "they never saw her face. They never threatened her either. Chances of word spreading is low. I'm on call if you need me." I said to them.

They nodded. "thanks for your help Axle." I nodded and we drove off.

It was already 5pm. The sun had set and I went off to my club.

The place was running smoothly. I walked around, saw some illegal games taking place but turned a blind eye.

I worried for Katerina but kept my phone on me all the time incase Hayes would need me. It's abnormal, the feeling I have toward this woman. I've known her just about a week now, and I feel so inclined to protect her. I don't understand it, but it's starting to get annoying how much she's on my mind.

I poured some drinks. Shook some hands and saw Jaxon trying to get on a pole. Took some photos of that then slumped in my seat. I had paperwork to file. Shipments from Italy were increasing.

The night faded away and Katerina was safe. Her words remained with me. Cutting through me.

Impulsive. Reckless.

I hated that she was right. But it made me who I am. God she's fucking annoying me. When I got home, she was playing on my mind.

"Axe come check this out." Alyssa called me to her room.

"what the fuck is this?" I asked her. She painted a whole ugly ass forest on her wall.

"it's a meadow. It's where mom is." she said. My heart twisted. All Aly knew was the image of my mother I painted for her. She never knew her mother was a hateful shrew.

"it's disgusting Aly. Paint over it. And if I have to pay extra to the Carlos for all the paint damage you'll do to his place, I'll start cutting your hair." I said to her and kissed her forehead.

I walked into my room. Isabella stood there. And cleaned. I hated myself for sleeping with her. Absolutely hated myself. She was a convenience and didn't seem to mind a bit.

"sir, I'll be done soon." she said in the most sultry voice she could possibly make. I hate you Katerina.

"I'm sorry Isabella, I have to let you go. Please pack your things and leave by tomorrow." I said and walked out my room.

I wouldn't let my impulse get me. Not this time. She finished cleaning, never said a word to me and left. I hate you Katerina.

Frustration clawed at me the whole night.

She didn't trust me. She thought I'd fuck things up for her father.

Her eyes are so fucking brown.

She called me Alex. Maybe I should do some digging on her.

After an hour and 2 glasses of scotch, she had no social media profiles. She was clean. Squeaky. Neither her real name or her alias, which I found out from her brother.

"Aly, do you have Katerina Hayes' number?" I asked her. "yep, you want it?" she called back.

What the fuck are you doing Axle?

"yeah, need to ask her something about her dad." I said.


I added her number and started tracing it. Every call she made, every contact she had was on my screen. A programme thanks to Christian Alvarez. God, I miss that fucker.

Her call log was not interesting. Mainly her father, brother and her friends with London extensions. Her cousins... Come on Katerina. You're interesting. Where's the dirt?


A number. Unsaved. About 20 answered called all lasting a few minutes. But from 5 months ago.

The wheels in my brain slowly turning, she met a guy in London. Her father would have him executed in all of 5 minutes if I didn't get to him first.

No name, the number isn't full. Fuck she's smart. There's numbers missing. Smart smart girl. I knew there was Cosa Nostra in her after all.

The Hayes' will become my family soon. I need to control my thoughts on her. I need to end the rivalry. We need to make amends. She needs to be kept safe.

She can't be my last thought before drifting to sleep.

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