Chapter Eight - Friends and Ex's

Start from the beginning

"It's okay Asher! You'll win one day." I stood behind them for a couple of seconds before flopping down next to Davina. A startled yelp came from her mouth as she dropped the magazine she was reading.

"Good lord Victoria, don't do that to me!" She placed a hand over her chest and caught her breath. I laughed and picked up her magazine for her.

"Clothing huh? Trying to impress someone?"

She snatched the magazine away from me and muttered something under her breath.

Luna and Asher stared at me. They looked at each other for a couple of seconds before reaching over and embracing me in a bone crushing hug. I squirmed under their grip, but it was no use.

After they had released me, I stopped to catch my breath.

"Victoria! Oh my god, Victoria! What happened? Did you see Ace? We heard about what happened, but they didn't tell us thoroughly enough!" The questions came spilling out of Luna's mouth. Before I could answer, I was interrupted by Elijah shushing Luna.

"Calm down Luna, give the girl some air." Elijah huffed and shoved his nose back into his book. He was sitting furthest away from the group, his dark hair tousled and dark circles under his eyes.

Luna glared at him before turning her attention back to me. She flopped back down on the sofa and dragged me down with her. Asher sat down and mumbled something to Elijah. He groaned and moved closer to the group, he put his book down on the coffee table in front of them and placed his hands on his lap. Davina looked up from the magazine, her brown eyes searching me for some sort of emotion. After everything that had happened, I couldn't be bothered to show any emotion on my face anymore. She put the magazine down and faced me. She tied her curly brown hair into a knot.

Davina was a very beautiful girl. Her dark skin was absolutely flawless, her hair was always perfect, and her brown eyes shone brightly in the sunlight. Sometimes, I caught myself staring at her.

I hadn't noticed Addilyn a little further from Elijah. She was curled up on the sofa with a blanket draped over her. Her breathing was even, so I figured she was fast asleep. Addilyn had always been a night owl, she was fast asleep during most of the day and running around HQ like a lunatic at 1 o'clock in the morning.

"Okay Victoria, what the hell happened?" Davina asked. I got comfortable in my chair and started telling the story. I started from the moment I stepped foot into that masquerade ball and finished with the brief meeting I had just had with the originals. They all looked at me like I had two heads. Although, some sympathy was hiding underneath those facial expressions. I didn't want any more pity. I had been through hell and back, but I really didn't need any soothing words right now. Because it wasn't going to be okay, and everything wasn't fine.

Asher was the first one to speak.

"Soo... another mission? Cool." He flinched when Luna reached around me and hit him on the head.

"Ouch! I'm sorry that happened to you Victoria, but you know what? As much as we all loved Ace, he was a bit of a weirdo. He didn't even like garlic bread! I mean, it's garlic bread" Luna slapped her forehead and groaned.

"Listen Victoria, I know you. You're probably one of the strongest women I've ever met. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, especially not Ace. What he said to you in that alleyway was beyond cruel, and you need to know that he was a fake, an imposter, and most of all an enemy. We love you with all our heart, okay?" Davina was always the one who made everyone feel better. She was kind of like a therapist in some ways.

"Yeah, I know. Thank you, Davina." I beamed at her before turning back to Asher.

"It was weird, wasn't it? I mean who doesn't like garlic bread?" I chirped. Asher giggled and nodded.

"Are you alright with the whole... Harrison thing?" Elijah suddenly blurted out. His voice was laced in venom as he said Harrison's name. His deep brown eyes were trained on me yet again.

"I have to be. I mean it was slightly unnerving, but maybe he's changed a bit." I shrugged before looking around the room. The room wasn't overly packed, but there were people scattered here and there. Some reading books, some typing on laptops, some whispering to each other. Some were even pointing directly at me. I mean word would have gotten out that Ace was a traitor, right? It didn't matter, he was gone, and he was never coming back.

"Changed? The man tore you into pieces and then dangled them in front of his other chicks. I haven't seen him lately, but I wouldn't have high expectations sweetheart." Addilyn suddenly jolted upright. Wasn't she sleeping?

Her dark blue hair was a mess. All ruffled and knotted. As she started combing it with her fingers, she turned back to me.

"If he gets more than an inch close to you, I will make sure his jugular vein has been punctured by one of my famous hair clips." Addilyn said as she grabbed a hair clip from her pocket. She twisted her hair into a quick bun and clipped it into place.

"Well, aren't you charming Addilyn?" A deep voice said from behind me.

I twisted my head and was met with the brown eyes of Harrison Lee. He looked down at me, confusion spreading through his face. Nobody acknowledged him, he was incredibly early as well.

His ginger hair was neatly combed back. He was wearing a collared shirt and jeans. His hands were tucked deep into his pockets. He rocked back on his heels before opening his mouth.

"I'll see you all tomorrow morning then. Bye now." He grinned before walking off.

"Ugh, we seriously have to work with him? I mean the guy basically dunks his hair in gel every morning." Addilyn dragged a hand across her face before shoving a pillow onto Elijah's lap and lying down. Elijah was startled by the sudden gesture but didn't move. He blew a strand of curly brown hair out of his face and grabbed his book off the coffee table.

Luna sighed and pushed her long purple hair off her shoulders.

"Anyone want anything to eat? I'm famished." She turned to look at everyone. They all seemed caught up in their own business. Addilyn was just about to fall asleep, Elijah was busy reading a book, Davina had gone back to reading her magazine and Asher had begun organizing his deck of Uno cards.

I turned to Luna. "I'll happily go with you Luna." I smiled at her before grabbing her hand and whisking her away from the group toward the cafeteria.

Another distraction should be great.

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