Submit, Baby (OT8)

Start from the beginning

Or at least, that's what he thought – but what he'd come to forget was that he now had seven boyfriends determined to make him happy and take care of him, and they absolutely refused to watch him hurt himself any longer.


"This can't go on anymore."

Chan refrained from sighing at Minho's observation, the two of them having their eyes locked onto one of their youngest boyfriends. Felix was standing in the middle of the practice room, staring at himself in the mirror as he went over their most recent choreography – except he barely looked present, his eyes glossy and dazed.

He was starting another episode.

"I don't know what to do," softly admitted the leader, his heart squeezing – he knew that, if he went to help Felix now, the younger would only reject him. "He's so stubborn and I don't- I don't know how to help him."

"Hyung, you need to have a serious talk with him—"

"I did! But he won't listen to me – and can you blame him? With what happened with—"

"Hyung," cut Minho, a tad sharper now. "I know, okay? I know it's not easy and I know Felix's trauma is serious, but we can't- we can't just let him hurt himself anymore. We're just as powerless as we were two years ago, and it's..." The dancer swallowed thickly, and Chan only then noticed the small glistening of tears amidst the frustration in his boyfriends' eyes. "It's scaring me, hyung. We're losing him and I don't- I don't know what to do anymore and—"



Their eyes went wide as Jisung rushed to Felix's side, the freckled boy having just collapsed without warning. His eyes were open, but they held a glossy sheen that betrayed his current detached state. He didn't react at all as Jisung cradled him, while Hyunjin tried calling his name.

It wasn't the first time Felix suffered from a dissociative episode, but they were getting worse by the day. And, when he was actually present, he didn't look like he wanted to be – as if the nothingness and numbness brought about by his episodes were preferable to whatever emotional pain he had to endure every time he was awake. 

He barely smiled anymore, barely ate anything, barely managed to get out of bed – his entire existence was plagued by his inability to carry his burden any longer, and not even their love seemed able to breach the walls he'd built for himself anymore. He growing weaker and more vulnerable by the day and, if he kept this up...

"We have to do something, hyung," whispered brokenly Minho as they watched from afar, knowing not to crowd Felix when he was in such a state. "I don't care if we have to force his hand of breach his boundaries or break his trust – if he won't help himself, then it's up to us to do it for him."

It was a difficult decision, one that could either work out for the best, or lead to the inner destruction of everything they'd worked so hard to achieve for the past few years. But, in the end, Chan knew Minho was right – if they kept to the sidelines like Felix wanted them to, then they were going to lose him for good.

So, Chan nodded in agreement. It was time to step in, even if it meant forcing Felix to accept their care.


"Here, Lix, let me help—"

"Thanks, hyung, but I can walk by myself."

Minho's heart sank a bit as he watched Felix unsteadily slip out of the car, the freckled boy trudging his way inside the dorms and quite literally dragging his feet, no longer having the strength to lift them. He despised how powerless he felt to Felix's pain but, with Chan finally on his side, things were going to change.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now