"Get off my brother!" Leo bellowed as he leaped at Midnight and knocked him down, sending them all plummeting to the ground.

Leo rushes to the groaning Raph as he panted: "Are you alright, Raph?"

"I've had worse" Raphael groaned.

Suddenly Midnight whacks Raphael away as he starts to fight Leo again before the eldest turtle growls: "Mikey! I know you're in there, fight him!"

"It's useless, Leonardo De-Crap-pio! You can't save him!" Midnight snarled as he violently fought back at Leo.

Raphael got up before noticing Donnie fiddling with the cybernetic bracelet as he angrily snapped: "Hey! Will you quit playing with that and help us out here?!"

"What do you think I'm doing?!" Donnie snapped back before he added: "I'm trying to see if the Parasite Mutagen has a weakness"

"Have you got the Retro-mutagen with you?" Raphael grunted.

"No but I'm searching through everything Virus has on here and look at this!" Donnie replies and shows a 3-D image of Mikey's body with a headband around the turtle's head.

"What is that?" Raphael asked.

"It appears to be a mind control headband and according to the image, it seems that the bracelet Virus has on is what's controlling the headband" Donnie explained.

"So does this mean--?!" Raphael exclaimed.

"Virus is the one controlling Mikey; He's making him do what he wants Midnight to do or say! The Parasite Mutagen is just a living weapon/armour and the headband is like giving Midnight a personality based on Virus's control" Donnie revealed.

"So Mikey has no willpower to stop this?" Raphael questioned as the two watched Leo fighting Midnight with everything he had.

"I don't know, Mikey seems to be in control at one point" Donnie replied.

"I think it's because Virus was on his way down there while I was ranting and wasn't controlling Mikey there" Raphael pointed out.

"That's it! If I can hack into Virus's bracelet and stop his control on Mikey, we can try and get the Parasite Mutagen off him" Donnie revealed an idea.

"Donnie, I really hope that idea works because if it doesn't, I'm kicking your ass" Raphael sighed.

"Just stall Midnight as much as you can with Leo, I'm gonna go and stop Virus" Donnie replied.

"OK, good luck bro" Raphael nodded and rejoined the fight with Leo against Midnight.

The smart turtle flees to the spaceship as he sneaks into the lab again and attempts to hack into Virus's bracelet with the bracelet he has on.

Back outside, the monster continues to thrash both Leo and Raph as he growls: "I only see two of you, where's the nerd?"

"Never mind him, you have us to deal with" Raphael growled.

"Where is Donnie?!" Leo pants to Raph.

"Somewhere" Raphael replied, not wanting Virus or Midnight to know what's going on.

Back at the ship, Virus looks at the monitor while controlling Midnight as he hissed: "Where is that other mutant?"

Unaware that Donnie was in the lab, the smart turtle soon starts hacking into Virus's bracelet and as soon as he got on, he sees the controls of the headband that Mikey has before he deviously chuckled:

"Game over, Virus!"

He soon shut the mind control headband for good to which Virus suddenly noticed that the headband signal was terminated for good as he yelled out: "No! NO!! NOOO!!!"

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