Six was listening closely to what the pirates were saying on the other side of the rock when she suddenly heard a noise from behind her. Turning quickly, her hand reaching for her sword, her eyes landed on Will who held an oar in his hand and Jack who was laying on the ground in front of him.

"Sorry, Jack. I'm not going to be your leverage" said Will, looking down at the man.

"What the fuck did you do" asked Six moving from the crouched possion she had taken to her feet.

"Saving Miss Swann" he stated before moving past Jack.

Six had no idea what Will was playing at but she also knew that he stood no chance against Barbossa and his crew alone. Looking between her passed out brother and Will who looked like he was about to do something, Six decided she had to pick a side and fast. She had long ago decided that being on someone's side was better then no one's side even if that meant switching sides constantly to stay safe. She had no reason to be on Jack's side, the fact that they were related never made them biased towards each other and Jack was passed out and useless in the moment. Will on the other hand had no experience in pirating but he was conscious and seemed to have a plan. From a young age Six had learned to read Jack to easily figure out his plans but with Will she couldn't do this so she had no idea what the lad was thinking.

A gunshot pulled Six from her thoughts and she quickly glanced around. It had not hit her and Will was still fine, meaning either the shot had not been to them or they had missed.

"No. He shot me" the voice of one of Barbossa's crew members came, easing Six's worries.

"The curse is still upon us!" exclaimed another one of the crew members.

"The curse" Six mumbled to herself in realization. She hadn't given much thought as to why Elizabeth had been taken, she was fairly sure she had heard mention that she was the governor's daughter and ruled that as reason enough.

"You, maid! Your father, what was his name? Was your father William Turner?" Barbossa asked, causing Six's eyes to go wide as she quickly looked towards Will, who was suddenly gone.

"No," a female voice response and Six could assume it was Elizabeth.

"Where's his child? The child that sailed from England eight years ago, the child in whose veins flows the blood of William Turner. Where?" Barossa exclaimed while Six, who was thinking very similar things, tried to look around for Will as best she could without being seen.

It wasn't her responsibility to save him Six told herself but still somehow she felt like she needed to make sure he was safe, maybe because if they caught Will they would surely go looking for others because there was no way that Will had ended up on the island alone.

Carefully peering around the rock again, Six's eyes moved from Barbossa, down the piece of land he was standing on and to where a woman was laying. Suddenly just in her line of view a head emerged from the water.

"Will" Six breathed and next thing she knew the head and the girl were gone.

Steping back behind the rock where she was hidden Six only had to wait a moment before Will arrived back into the area with the girl, whose hand he was holding tightly. Will glanced between Jack's body which was laying between them and Six for a moment as if questioning what Six was going to do about it.

"He fell behind. Stick to the code was the captain's order" Six stated as she began to move towards where they had left the boat "quickly won't be long before they noticed 'er missing. If we're lucky Jacks presence will slow them down from leaving and spotting us"

Will nodded and followed her.

The boat trip back to the ship was quiet, once again Six was the one rowing and Will sat beside Elizabeth, his arm wrapped around her in attempts to warm her up from the cool water they had entered to save her.

Six Sparrow (Will Turner)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant