Chapter 15 Moments

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AN: Okay so someone said in the comments they were listening to moments while reading the other chappy so oh my god, I did with this one and I dedicate this chapter to the song Moments by One Direction. I don't ever really name my chapter but I'll let it slide this time. & If you think this story is over you better re think that! ;)


Wow, this is really the end. I never really thought what the end would be be like, not like this. Maybe forty years from now in a nursing home, feeling the days wither away. Just waiting for the heart monitor to stop.  I didn't expect to be eighteen alone on an island.  My breathing began to slow down as I was slowely beginning to except the fact that I was ready to die. I felt my legs give out and fell to the ground. It was no use, I truly did try. I did try, and there was nothing else to do but wait. What better time to reevaluate my life. Did I accomplish everything I would've liked to? In that moment I realized, no I did not. I didn't have a single kid, didn't graduate, didn't have a house, I'm not married and I didn't get to see my grandchildren. Basically my goal in life was to have a perfect life, a perfect family and everything you see in the movies. I then figured out, life is nothing like the movies. Everything happens for a reason and on the bright side, I am getting reunited with my parents. I began to say my wishes to everyone that has done me good. 

"Thank you mom. Thank you dad. Thank you..." I slowly let out.

Who else did I have to thank? God of course, but that's it. There was no one else in my life to thank. Then a thought occured, that was all I ever known. My parents. Everything else in life had sucked and I began to cry. My life was a waste, I was a waste of space and no one loved me. I was ridicuous and in that moment I realized there was nothing more I wanted but to be dead. It would save me a lot of suffering and emotional trauma. Right now I was in the worst yet the best of moods. The worst considering all the excruiciating pain and suffering I'm in but the best because I know I will soon be out of it and reunited with my parents. I sniffeled and a memory flashed in my mind. Harry. 

I had the sense Harry did care about me. I felt so safe around him and so protected. Like nothing could harm me, he promised he would never let anything hurt me. He promised. That must be a lesson, don't ever trust anyone. No matter how much they want to keep their promise, nothing is ever for certain. Harry didn't mean for this to happen, so I didn't blame him. Afterall I was the one who got myself into this, so no, I was not upset with Harry in the slightest. I was actually grateful for him. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have lasted as long as I did. He gave me the smallest sliver of happiness left to my name. Even though I've only known him for five days at the most, he still gave me happiness. That boy Harry, everything about him seemed perfect. I wish I got to know him better, I wish I met his family, all his friends and ask what he plans to be when he's older. I wish I knew and I realized that was the only regret from my life. Before I die, I want to know more about Harry. Sometimes we can't always achieve our goals, that's life but I just wish I had more time to get to know the curly haired boy who saved me. 

My eyelids grew heavier and I knew who was going to win this battle. My eyelids always eventually won. Goodbye world, goodbye mom, goodbye dad, goodbye Harry. I felt my eyes win for the very last time. And in this moment, I will never forget the boy who saved me.

ITS NOT DONE YET. :) CONTINUE NOW  (that should've foreshadowed something)


I plunged into the icey cold water. I swam as fast as I again forgetting that there was a boat behind me and forgetting all the risks I just took. I felt like I found something I was looking for, for a million years. As I dawned closer I knew for sure it was Kai.

"KAI!" I screamed.

No reply. 

She was laying down, maybe sleeping? Relaxing? I thought of the worst but pushed it out of my head, there was no way she was dead. I kept swimming and eventually I felt my feet touch the bottom. The sand. I started pushing off the bottom and kicked my way to shore and ran up to Kai. She looked horrible. She was pale white, her mouth was slightly open, her hair was all matted, it looked like everything has been sucked out of her. I wanted to crumple to the floor. I leaned over her and whispered,

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