CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX: honey go get the bleach for my eyes

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(why is doesn't tiktok want me to say cum) 

About a month after i was better and going back to school, my father did something that was so out of character i thought maybe he had brain damage.

We were taking a trip to the san diego zoo, which was like three hours away. Usually if he went somewhere he took natalia and not me, since kids weren't as expensive as teens were. And he never took us anywhere further than thirty minutes away. He'd been acting strange since the whole sepsis shit, but this just really topped it all off.

"Hey, liv, do you wanna ask your friend if he'd like to come?" i was in natalia's room, reading a book to her, when he came in and asked that. Things were- better, i think. I felt like all of it was a trap; him giving me more freedom, not yelling as much, not touching me as much..

"James?" i asked and he nodded "sure i can head over now i guess" it would be nice to have james there. He probably wouldn't yell or anything in front of james. I took natalia with me and walked to james's house. His mom's car was in the driveway, so i figured it would be best to just ask. I didn't talk to her often, but she was friendly. All she knew was that james and i went to school together and he helped me with homework sometimes so i would come over occasionally that she knew of. I rapped on the door gently three times and after about a minute she answered the door with a smile.

"Hi, liv, what's the occasion?" she looked to my sister and waved "hello". She called me liv, too.

"Hi-" i smiled awkwardly, my mind flashing to all the times i had snuck into her house at night and had sex with her son. Usually we didn't at his house, since the risk was higher. But still- i couldn't help but think of it. "my dad is taking us to the zoo down in san diego.. He was asking if maybe james wanted to come?" she looked behind her

"James!" she shouted, calling him down then turned back to me "i have no problem with that, dear"

So that was cleared up, but actually going was- scarier than i thought it would be. James was very stiff and awkward around my dad, for good reason, and didn't talk hardly at all. Natalia sat in the front seat, while james and i sat in the back. My father really didn't care if we wore seatbelts, since it wasn't illegal not to then, so we could sit in any position we wanted to.

"I got you a present" i told him once we'd gotten in the car and started driving. He looked at me quizzically and i handed him a rolling stone magazine with a feature about the eagles. He grinned wildly when i handed it to him. "It's a thank you" i said softly. I knew my dad and natalia couldn't hear, they had music on and were chattering away. He seemed like such a good dad to her.

"For what?" he asked, smiling and flipping through the pages quickly. I shrugged and looked at it with him, though i had no interest in it

"For being a good boyfriend" i said and kissed his cheek, causing him to blush

"Then i should get you something every day" he grinned and i rolled my eyes, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"He scares you, doesn't he?" i asked him very quietly and he shook his head

"No, i just don't like him" i smiled at his tone. He sounded jealous. I could understand why, but i truly assumed he was scared because my dad was tall and muscular with hard features. He always looked mad and stressed. Like he would snap any minute. I pulled his hair back and kissed his neck very subtly and softly. I can't even describe how much he blushed. Surprisingly, he turned and kissed my lips for a second, then went straight back to looking at the magazine.

I got up before james did- he was passed out completely, so thankfully i didn't have to wake him up when i left. I needed to go back to my apartment and grab some stuff.

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