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There was a point for a while where it wasn't just james and i- we had another friend to hang out with from time to time. Usually it was just james i was with, as i preferred his company over mike's.

"If i'm not out in five minutes, leave" i mumbled to james as i quietly stepped in my house, closing the door as slowly and gently as i could, to not make any noise. I looked around the room, making sure i was alone, then went to the kitchen. I opened the fridge door a little louder than necessary, and grabbed two beers. I turned around as i closed the door and there was my dad- right in my face, looking quite mad. I stared at him, shocked.

"You weren't here when i got home this morning" he said sternly. I shrugged and stepped away from him, leaning against the counter.

"She's having a sleepover" i said "i cleaned before i left" that wasn't completely a lie. I cleaned the night before, but i wasn't home at all after that. I'd stayed the night with james- we ended up sneaking out his window and heading into a nearby field of long dead grass with blankets and slept out there.

"I don't care- you didn't ask me it's concerning coming home and your kids aren't there" he said and i sighed, rolling my eyes and looking at the floor

"Maybe if you were there, you could make plans for your kid, i'm just the maid" i said bitterly and he groaned, rubbing his temples. I wondered why he was up, usually on his days off he slept or spent the day with natalia

"who's the beer for?" he asked

"Me" i muttered sarcastically "i'm gonna go whore myself out, okay?" i started to walk away, beer in hand, but he yelled after me. He was so unpredictable, it was stupid.

"No" he shouted "so on my day off you won't spend time with me and send your sister off so she can't see me either?" i laughed shortly

"Shut up!" i shouted back "you're insufferable- i'm her mom, right? That's how it's always been. Don't try and guilt me into liking you- you just want to fuck me and have me make sure your 'daughter' doesn't starve" he looked enraged by my words. His jaw clenched, he struck me pretty hard. It was harder than usual, and caused me to drop one of the bottles as i fell to the floor as well- it hit the ground and shattering all over. Brown liquid and glass covering the floor and myself as well. I felt a sharp quick pain in my forearm, but paid no mind to it

"You ungrateful brat!" he yelled "you can't do anything right, there's a reason i favor your sister" i rubbed my cheek where he hit me gently. I didn't feel like crying for once.

"She deserves better than your pathetic ass" i spat and went to the front door, about to leave

"Get back here and clean this up right now, olivia" he said angrily and i opened the door, stepping out.

"Clean it up yourself, you fucking bastard" i screamed and slammed the door. It was rare that i defended myself like that. I knew it would be hell for me the next time i saw him, but it felt good in the moment. James and mike weren't there, thankfully and i walked down the driveway a ways and saw them down the street walking in the direction of mike's house. His was better to hang out at, his parents were super nice and always let us do whatever we wanted. I caught up with them eventually and walked quietly until james noticed me. I smiled slightly

"Did you get them?" mike asked and i held the two beers i saved up. He frowned "only two?" he asked a little disappointed. I didn't like him very much, but he seemed to like me a lot- he was just a jerk.

"Yeah i.. Dropped it i guess" i sighed, using my free hand to point to the beer stains on my jeans and shirt. James changed his position so he was in between mike and i. He grabbed my arm quickly

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