CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT: is is love, or daddy issues

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"It'll be fun" he insisted as he stood by the door, about to leave. I shook my head and looked back down at my work. It was unfinished and ugly. I hated it. I hated everything i tried to work on since i'd left james.

"You know i don't like stuff like that" i mumbled, looking down hopelessly at the scribbles on the page. I dropped my pencil carelessly and looked at him.

"I know, but they like you" he said and walked in, leaving the door open, grabbing my hand and pulling me up "you haven't left the house in a week- just come" i sighed and reluctantly followed him out to a cab and got in.

"What you had was good" he reasoned with me. I shrugged and looked at a beer stain on my shirt. Well, his shirt. I didn't feel like going through my stuff to find a good one, so i just picked up the first of his that i saw.

"You don't need to patronize me" i said and held out my hand, to which he handed me a cigarette then fished around in his jeans pocket for a lighter "where are we going, exactly?" i asked as it lit it up. It wasn't a good idea, but it wasn't mine anymore. In just two weeks it was a habit i couldn't shake, although i wasn't exactly trying.

"I don't know" he laughed a little "some mtv thing- it's lowkey" i rolled down the window and blew the smoke out of it.

It was much bigger than he told me it would be, there were lots of bands and even more fans. It was a signing type thing, just a mass one. It was outside, which wasn't that bad. It was a particularly warm day, but that didn't make up for the fact he lied to me.

"You fuckwad" i hissed at him as we walked through the crowd and into a little designated space just for the band "you didn't tell me it was like this" he laughed

"Oh come on, you needed to get out" i rolled my eyes and walked to duff when i saw him leaning against some equipment, holding a beer in his hand. I grabbed it from him and took a drink, sitting on the amp right next to him. He smiled at me

"I didn't think you'd make it" he said, grabbing it back

"I was tricked" i said and smiled a little "axl told me it was something small"

"Well for the past two weeks you've been sitting in a dark room all day doing god knows what, then partying your ass off at night- you need some sun" i rolled my eyes

"You guys are bitches" i teased. Duff was always pretty nice, but he was no kirk. They all had a different dynamic than metallica did. Here it was more sex and drugs, there it was sex and metal.

"Can you get us some more beer?" he asked me and i nodded.

"For a cig i will" i bargained and he obliged, handing me one. He lit it up for me and i went along my way. I couldn't tell who was who- fans or bands. I'd never been to any event like that before, at least not that big. Usually it was just metallica and whoever was headlining, but this was just a bunch of bands at tables singing things and talking to people.

"Olivia?" someone asked once i'd finally found the beer. I looked up, and it was cliff. I blushed immensely. I must have looked like shit. I was wearing my usual tight black jeans, but with axl's shirt. My hair was probably a mess, and my makeup was probably all fucked up. I smiled awkwardly

"Hey, cliff" i said and he looked at me surprised "please-"

"Don't worry, i won't" he cut me off and i gave him a thankful look, heading back over to duff and the others. Axl was talking to another guy- he was tall and had red hair as well. I distributed the drinks to the boys, the newest red head included.

"Thanks" he said then turned back to axl "where'd you get this one?" i guess the actual signing event hadn't begun yet, so everyone was just roaming around and chatting.

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