CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE: biased ethics professor

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Recovery wasn't ideal, to say the least. I'd like to have thought it taught natalia something, although in hindsight that didn't really matter...

After two months i was finally able to go back to school. Not something i'd ever thought i would want to do, but sitting in the house all day alone and in pain made me stir crazy. The best part about this was seeing james more often. He came by the house a lot, but it wasn't like school. There we could both suffer together. But at my house it was just me suffering and him not knowing what to say, but trying to make me feel better in any creative way he could.

"I missed you here" james said as he hugged me and i hugged him back tightly. It was like we hadn't touched each other in years, though in reality we made out just the night before. He had such a good smell- it was hard to describe. Just comforting.

"Glad i'm not dead?" i teased and he nodded, pulling me even closer. I laughed softly. I was feeling loads better. I would still get the occasional muscle ache and migraine, but it was much better than before.

"Mhm" he mumbled, his face buried in my neck. Then he pulled away from me and kissed me gently, i kissed him back then he hugged me again, sucking on my neck very softly and affectionately. The bell rang and he reluctantly came away from me.

"You're gross" i smirked and we walked to class hand in hand. Sitting across the table from us in our chemistry class was mike. He looked relieved to see me

"I heard you were sick" he said "that sucks" i laughed shortly and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, all because i got the beer you begged for" i teased him and he blushed "but missing school is a plus, so i ought to thank you" he grinned. I always wondered if he liked me or not. He was usually an asshole, and if he wasn't he was just weird and awkward, worse than james most times.

"Well-" he stammered "you look like shit, so i wouldn't be thanking anyone"

"Dude, shut up" james told him and i looked up at him, shocked. Then i smiled and leaned my head against his shoulder, playing with the rip in his jeans. Mike didn't say anything for the rest of the day, which i thought was funny. Mike was the asshole, james was the doormat. I didn't expect mike to react like that when james stood up for me

Right before lunch, my neck started hurting so i told james to go and get us a table and i went to my locker to take some pain medicine. It wasn't allowed at school, but i kinda needed it.

"Hey, stranger" a boy said to me, and i quickly put the bottle away and faced him. It was trent, great. I smiled politely

"Oh, hey" i said. He was standing much too close. I wondered if he knew i was uncomfortable and just didn't care, or was oblivious

"You've been gone, where?" he asked and i shrugged, closing my locker door

"Sick" i replied, and started to walk away, but he followed me

"So about that date..."

"No" i said flatly and he looked confused

"But- why not? I don't see hetfield anywhere, seems like you're free tonight.." i scoffed at him. This wasn't just the second innocent time he'd tried to take me out.

"Many reasons" i said "first off, i don't like you. Second, i have a boyfriend"

"You don't even know me- let's go on a date and then you'll see if i'm good or bad.. Plus, i don't see your boyfriend, so it doesn't really matter"

"I'm pregnant" i said and looked at him, watching the uncomfortable look grow on his face. That seemed to get him to leave me alone. It wasn't true or anything, but i figured it would work.

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