CHAPTER NINE: sex in room 342???????

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"James!" i screamed playfully "stop! Stop! You win!" i giggled. He laughed and grinned, then stopped tickling me. And then there we were, me laying across his lap, looking into his eyes and his looking into mine. He leaned down and kissed me. Softly and tenderly our lips moving together so fluidly as if they were made for each other. I needed to stop for a breath.

"You're beautiful" he whispered. There was only love in his eyes. I blushed and hid my face in his chest. He put his hand in my hair and played with it "i love you" he said and my heart sipped a beat. No- two beats. I looked up at him, blushing even harder. He blushed a little, too. I couldn't help my smile

"I love you, too" i said and kissed him again, and again, and again. then got up. I fixed my hair and shirt "we have to go"

We walked a few minutes down the street to the elementary school where my sister went. She was waiting outside for us, and when she saw james she ran to him and hugged him. He was always so good with her, and my god, did she love him. He picked her up and spun her around

"Did you have a good day?" he asked her as he set her down and we started walking. Every day we went and got her from school, and then went to get ice cream on friday's, which today was.

"Yes" she replied, beaming up at him. I smiled at them both. She didn't speak much because she was shy about her accent. I'd been fluent in english since the second grade, and ever since she was born i taught her all i knew. It was my proudest accomplishment.

We sat with our ice cream at the park in the grass. It was the most perfect moment. I was so happy. It seemed i had everything. Sometimes i liked to imagine that james and i were married, and natalia was our kid. I looked to james, who smiled at me. He gave me the sense of belonging i needed, and natalia gave me the sense of purpose. Together they gave me the family i never had. I mean, of course i had it. Natalia was my sister, but it was a complete family. Even if it was just when we were all together.

"You look pretty in the sunlight" he said and i blushed. He had that way- he made me smile. There were lots of guys who tried to make me smile, and it seemed james was the only to succeed. Not to say i never indulged in the ones who tried, but it was never as good as it was with james. It was a different kind of attraction.

Natalia was beautiful. She had all the perfect features, and if she had grown into them, she would have made everyone's jaws drop. She had a wonderful personality as well. She was quiet and thoughtful for a girl her age. She was an avid reader, and was incredibly smart; picking up concepts faster than even me. Although i was never particularly smart. I marvelled at her, sitting peacefully eating her peach ice cream.

James leaned across to me and kissed me softly. Then he moved my hair behind my ear. I smirked and put some of my ice cream on my finger and put it on his nose. Natalia giggled quite hard.

"That wasn't very funny at all" james said sarcastically, grinning and he wiped it off his nose. I giggled softly

"Well i guess i owe you then" i replied and he grabbed my hand, then kissed it.

My eyes snapped open as i took in my surroundings. We were still on the bus. It was dark outside, but i wasn't sure what time it was. As i looked to the others on the bus, they were all asleep in their bunks, except for james who was sitting right next to me. He was leaning against the wall, his jacket balled up for a pillow, sound asleep. Then the dream i'd had started coming back to me bit by bit, just like recalling a memory. It was bittersweet. But it made me uneasy.. I tugged at the hem of james's tanktop and he rustled softly

"What?" he asked, half awake. I blushed

"I'm sorry" i whispered "i was.. I can't sleep and i'm scared" he shifted to sit upright. He put his arm around me

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