V19 - Chapter 223 Down Time

Start from the beginning

"If you're going to build a brand-new Bunny kingdom, there will be some who will wish to go back to the old ways," Delilah pointed out. "It could lead to a civil war."

"Possibly," Tyuule said. "Which is why I must do this right, just like Pina. I will have no choice but to strike down those who wish to go back to our old ways. The old ways only lead to our people's destruction, and I cannot allow that to happen again. While I don't agree with everything I have learned from Earth, it is clearly better and guarantees a future for our people."

"But that is a conversation for another day," Tyuule said. "Where is Bailey? I thought it was an Earth custom for the father to witness the birth?"

"I don't know if it is an Earth custom, maybe an American one though," Delilah said. She was displeased when her husband was deployed to retake Marais when she went into labor but believed that he would have been back before she gave birth. With the news on what was happening in Rondel and the full deployment of the entire Vanguard program to assist Vanguard-7. The suddenness of the situation and the news of a massive Demon scared her more than when she was fleeing from being a slave. "But I guess he was needed elsewhere. Really wish he was there, though, so he could hold our twins as they are born."

Rubbing tears from her cheek, Delilah watched as her long-time friend gave her a hug. "Thank you. I needed that. I guess this is what that military-wives term means. I cannot wait to get back out there and help end the war."

"Just be happy that the battle is over," Tyuule said. "He is probably safe and thinking about you and your daughters."

Dorra cries in Tyuule's arms after she says her words

"She's hungry again," Tyuule handed over Dorra to Delilah so she could be breastfed.

"Drink up and grow strong, my two little warriors! Someday, both of you will be strong enough to carry on the warrior spirit of our people, just like your mother and father", Deliah said lovingly and kissed her twin daughters, who were still nibbling her breasts.

"Let's hope Bailey does not make your daughters soft," Tyuule chuckled. "He is quite overprotective of them, and daughters often take after their father."

"Do not worry, He won't, and besides, we are bunnies. Surely, my daughters will take after me!" Deliah firmly said.


--- Crossworld Market Plaza, Philadelphia, United States ---

Date: July 9nd, 2026

Walking through the streets of Philadelphia for the first time in Andrew's life, he now preferred to carry his military backpack. Carrying four bags of clothes, manga, food, and more, the annoyance of having everything is wearing out his arms.

Even though the Battle of Rondel, or as the media call it, Rondel Crisis, has ended, Vanguard-7 was still required to stay there for another week to help maintain the peace. At least until proper replacements from the 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, and 1st Armored Division from Elies were redeployed to Rondel arrived. It took a week for the first battalion to arrive, pushing through the infected horde. With the Italian 23rd infantry battalion, the American 2nd Brigade, and the single lane airfield was established.

Finally getting a leave and a pass to Earth, all he wanted to do was lay in bed, play games, catch up on manga, and spend time together with his wife. He did not expect more laborious work of shopping which he found more tiring than the battle itself. At least he is happy to be spending time with his wife.

"We really need to introduce you guys to Amazon."

"I am still confused by that," Hamilton commented. "That is a place in that invisible world you call the Internet. You have both an Amazon Forest and Amazon women there on that Internet?"

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