He hopped under his covers and he cried like there was no tomorrow. The brunette had a massive headache from running so much. He knew that Dream already knew.

George felt so bad. Things in his life were actually good for once. He opened up to someone new, someone nice, handsome, someone who would take a bullet for him. And he ruined it.

He ruins everything...

back to dream

He basically ran out of class to go find that bitch, that backstabber, she was truly terrible. Dream looked around the school for a good four minutes until he had spotted her. Dream approached her and he had grabbed her hand and dragged her into a private spot.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" Dream yelled in her face, but she just had a smug grin on her face.

"Well if you had just asked me to prom i wouldn't have done that. He's a worthless, nobody. And me, i'm popular, pretty, and my family is rich." Katrina said, and Dream could literally care less.

Dream hated her, everything about her. Her voice was annoying, she had bad fashion taste, and she was a little bitch. "Well i would have taken you to prom if you were a brunette with short, fluffy hair, who had a amazing, handsome face, great personality, and even had amazing music taste. You aren't George so I don't want you."

"I thought you were better than that Dream, i guess not. You might wanna keep an extra eye on your 'precious' Georgie." Katrina walked away after she had stated that.

Dream assumed that George had gone home by now. He wanted more information on this video so he had approached one of Katrina's closest friends.

"Hey, Amelia is it?" Dream asked, "Uh yeah, why are you talking to me."

"So there's a video on Katrina's phone and don't mind if this sounds weird, but it's a guy on another guy...making out..." Dream felt awkward describing this video, but he had to. "Oh yeah, that video is kinda old though." Amelia had mentioned, "Uh how old would you say?" Dream asked.

"Probably 2 or 3 years old by now." She said. "Oh thanks i guess." "Yup."

Dream sighed in relief, he felt good knowing that this wasn't recent. The blonde actually didn't feel good, he felt great, maybe even more than that. He decided to head to Georges house to talk about it with him.

George's perspective

He had spent the rest of the day laying in bed crying, obviously being upset about what had happened. George went on his phone to waste time and he had received a text message.

Unknown Number

Unknown: Your worthless, he will never love you. Your a whore, your a worthless slut and nobody will ever love you again. He hates you. Your ugly, gross, annoying. Your so skinny as well, eat more food, but not too much or else you'll become a big fat fuck. Nobody likes you anymore. Everyone has seen the video. Go kill yourself, nobody would miss you anyways.

This was his breaking point. He began to hyperventilate, he couldn't take it anymore. But he couldn't do it. George continued hyperventilating really quickly with tears streaming down his face, wishing he had never met Dream.

George loved him, he really did.

*knock *knock

"c-come in." George whispered quietly, hardly able to speak. He heard the door open and he was expecting his mother, but instead it was somebody else.

He felt somebody lay in the bed behind him, they wrapped their arms around his waist and they pulled him closer.

There was only one person that it could be.

"i'm sorry." was all George was able to get out, but he was surprised just to hear shushing noises. "it's okay." George heard in return, "it'll be okay."

a few hours later

"hey, can we talk?" Dream said, as both of the boys sat up. "Dream, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to. It was 2 years ago an-," "Don't apologize George, it's okay, I forgive you." The blonde said, he than hugged the brunette, basically tackling him.

time skip

"Hey big dog you ready for the game?" Sapnap asked patting Dreams back. "Where the fuck did you get big dog?" The blonde asked, Sapnap with an expression of confusion.

"Uhm....anyways how's things with George?" Sapnap asked, being concerned for his friend. "Everything's okay, that video was taken 2 years ago." Dream mentioned. "I'm glad you guys are okay."

fast forward 35 minutes later

The score is 14 to 14 with 24 seconds until halftime. The coach calls Dream over and puts him in for the quarterback. He runs onto the field in panic, worrying if he won't do anything useful for the team. Well mean yeah it's almost halftime, but he still wants do well.

It's first down and Dream crouches down ready for the ball to be thrown.

"Set hut!" The blonde yells, signaling for the ball to be thrown. He then backups a bit before fake passing the ball towards Quackity. Dream then take off down the field in attempt to score. He only made it to 20 yard line before being tackled. It was now second down and their team has decided to have Dream actually pass the ball to Quackity. So he signals for the ball to be thrown towards himself, and he steps back, he then passed the ball towards Quackity.

Quackity then takes off running down the right side of the field. Quackity keeps his pace, until he ran into a defender, luckily he juked him out and scored the final touchdown.

"Thank god." Dream breathed out putting his dirty hands on his knees. They all then ran off the field so that the cheerleaders could do their performance.

"Hey you ready to do your performance?" Dream called out to George. "Eh something feels a bit off, but I'm probably just nervous." The brunette said, "Anyways great job on the field!"

"Heh thanks, but goodluck out there, I'll be watching." Dream said winking at short brunette, causing him to blush.

"Whatever." George scoffed with a smile. George was nervous for this routine. He had Katrina in his group and there was obviously enough tension between the two.

"George come on we gotta get on the field!" Niki yelled. George then ran onto the field getting into his position with all of the other cheerleaders. The music started and they start their routine. Everything was going smoothly. They all then ran into their positions for their stunts.

George felt his stomach starting to hurt. It's always at this part in their routine as well. He hopped up into Katrinas and this girl named Fawns arms and he had straighten his legs. He held his arms up in the air making sure to hit them on beat. He was then tossed up high into the air.

Higher than usual...

He went with it anyways since it could just be a common mistake. George was in the air for a pretty long time until he had finally looked down to see nothing below him me.

"HELP!" George frantically yelled out in panic, attempting to not hit the floor.

But it was too late.

He slowly felt his conciseness leave his body, until everything had gone dark.
~1862 Words~

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