Chapter 7

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George finally arrived after an 13 minute ride. He got out of the car and started his make his way over to what looks like a big group of people. As he got closer he noticed Karl staring back at George.

"Ahhh George you look awesome!" Karl said, hugging George in excitement. "Dressing up for mr pretty boy aren't you?"

"Pfffft as if, speaking of this 'pretty boy' where is Dream?" George asked wondering where he could be.

"Oh he's over there." Karl said, gesturing towards another big group of people. George immediately started making his way over there, being followed by Karl.

"Hi Dream." George smiled, tapping Dream on the shoulder.

Dream turned around, ready to say 'Hi' back, but boy was he flustered. Dream immediately felt blush spread along his cheeks, not knowing what to say.

"You gonna talk or.." George said, but instead he was immediately tackled by Dream, bringing them into a warm embrace.

"I mean I wasn't expecting this, but this is okay." George said, tucking his head into Dreams chest.

"Well I better go to practice now." George said giving Dream one last hug.

clingy ngl, but I would be too lmao

~next day~

*beep* *beep* *beep*

"Are you kidding me.." George whispered, being super tired.

George turned over and look at the time.


The tired brunette read the clock with the bold red 8:56 am on it.

George immediately got out of his warm bed to got turn on the shower. "I'm already late might as well take my time" The brunette thought to himself. His mom probably won't notice anyway.

The tired brunette than hopped into the shower, gaining a bit of energy from the water reaching contact with his pale skin.

It had been about 14 minutes later and George had finally gotten out of the shower and headed towards his closet. George than pulled on a white, collared shirt followed by his favorite blue sweater.

The brunette than quickly put on a fresh pair of boxers, some whitewashed jeans, and headed towards the kitchen.

He popped one slice of bread into the toaster and as he waited he slid on a pair of light blue checkered vans. A few minutes later George grabbed the fresh piece of toast and he added some butter and salt onto it. The brunette than quickly ate it and he practically ran towards his car.

Luckily his school was only about 9 minutes away.

Once the short drive had ended, George parked down the street and started walking towards the office of the school. The brunette walked into the office to be greeted by an old lady.

"First and last name." She immediately asked.

"Oh uhm George Davidson.." The still somewhat tired brunette said.

"Okay please get to class." The old lady said while she placed an yellow slip on the desk in front of him.

He than grabbed the slip as he gave her a small nod.

The brunette then headed towards his current class.

Ugh computer programming.

The brunette walked towards the building where his class was and he had finally arrived at the door.

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