Chapter 12

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He was speechless. George wasn't like this. George was a cute, introverted, handsome guy. He wouldn't do this.


Dream walked away and instead of going back to the tables he walked over towards a tree. He sat down under its shade and processed what he had witnessed.

The video looked so real, but Dream didn't want to believe it. Especially since he found out from George's ex. Maybe Wilbur would know what to do. Wilbur has known George longer than Dream.

He walked back over towards the table and George was nowhere to be seen. "Hey, Wilbur can we talk?"

"Uh sure.." The two boys walked away from the group and they sat down on a dark blue bench. "What do you want to talk about." Wilbur questioned, unsure why Dream would want to talk to him.

"So when I left the tables with Katrina she showed a video to me," the blonde started to slightly tear up, "It was George, on top of somebody fully making out with them." Dream whispered.

Wilbur was beyond confused. From what Wilbur knows, him and a few others were the only people George actually talked to. "Well why should it matter to you? You guys aren't dating or anything, unless.."

"No we aren't dating, but we are going to prom together." The blonde said, wondering why Wilbur was slightly disagreeing with him. "Dream, if you guys aren't dating then it's George choice. I get that you like him, but you can't be mad about it." "But..y'know nevermind, thanks for the 'advice' I guess." Dream said in a mocking tone.

The blonde then got up and walked away. He thought Wilbur would understand, but no he doesn't, Dream was dumb to try to go to someone he barely knows.

time skip

It was now 4th period and Dream was still worked up about what had happened at lunch. He didn't understand why George would do this to him. To play with his feelings. He loved George a lot. And for him to do this was not okay, at least in Dreams mind.

Dream was basically spacing out until Sapnap had approached him. "Hey, dude i'm sorry. I saw the video." Sapnap mentioned 'the video' and Dream had immediately started freaking out.

Who would leak it? Yes, Dream was unhappy about this, but this was something that should've been kept private. He wished he hadn't seen it, but he still wants Georges privacy to be respected. No matter how mad Dream was he still loved George.

"Where did you find it? The video?" Dream frantically said, ready to mess up whoever did this.

"I think it was this girl named Katrina." Sapnap said, feeling bad for blonde boy. "That fucking bitch." he muttered under his breath.

The second the bell ringed Dream immediately left to go find Katrina.

Georges perspective

"Hey guys i'm gonna go use the restroom." George had said, leaving the lunch table. He headed towards the restroom, but unfortunately he had ran into Katrina. "What's your problem?" He had whispered.

"Oh nothing..." Katrina grinned, "So remember that video of yourself." She mentioned, and George knew exactly what she was talking about.

2 years ago when George was 15 he had gone to a party. He was extremely drunk, it had recently been after Katrina and him broke up and he needed something else to keep him busy.

So at that party he got wasted, found a guy, and completely had a make out session with him. Unfortunately Katrina had been there and since she's a bitch she recorded it to use in the future.

George couldn't believe it. He immediately ran away, he ran out of the school. The brunette ran all the way home. Somewhere safe. Where he didn't have to worry about anyone.

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