Chapter 94: Battle Of Earth

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They slowly turned to glare at the woman, only for her to purr and shrug before looking off in a different direction.

The ground beneath them shook as Scott burst out from a surviving part of the compound. He opened his palm, releasing Bruce, Rhodey and Rocket from his hand and allowing them to drop down to the battlefield.

The different groups lined up together and (Y/N) walked over to stand with Steve as the rest of his team scattered out amongst everyone. The two locked eyes, (Y/N) incapable of containing his wide grin. That alone made Steve smirk.

"So. What's our stand, Captain?" (Y/N) repeated his earlier line. Steve shrugged his head.

"We fight." He said again. He took one deep breath, stepping forward as (Y/N) stepped back. "Avengers..."

He pulled Mjolnir back to his hand just as Thor and Tony landed behind them. He stared across at Thanos in the far distance. "Assemble."

With a war cry echoing out from many of the warriors, the team charged ahead at their opponents. The action brought Thanos to order his own army ahead, sending the battle on ahead.

Down with (Y/N), his demonic form manifested around his body in a black, bony and durable armour coating. When once he would have two horns and a mask covering his face, only a single horn stretched from one corner of his head with only slight mask remnants. At that side his eye was pure black.

The other side of his face was a little darker but other than black lines and details spiralling around his E/C left eye.

He sprang fourth from the group to tackle the approaching outriders first. A jet of energy burst out in front of him, knocking the creatures away and shredding their skin.

The other warriors quickly clashed with the aliens, one of the more noticeable ones being when Scott punched a leviathan out of the skies. The creature came smashing down through its brethren like mowing down wheat in a field.

Ultron glided through the air, beaming down the Chitauri flyers before tackling one down to the floor. He landed near to (Y/N) and decided to quite audibly say, "This is my world to conquer. Not yours."

"Hey. Watch yourself." (Y/N) warned, pointing a blade his way before slicing down another outrider. Ultron scoffed at him, irritated he couldn't take the joke.

The two parted ways abruptly as (Y/N) was charged by Cull Obsidian. He pounced up onto the larger man's weapon as it crashed down beside him. With a swing of his sword, he landed a clean cut on the alien's face before being knocked away.

He caught his footing, sliding a few inches before clicking his neck and wrists. Cull ran at him again, only to be swing kicked in the head by Peter as the boy webbed the back of the larger male and managed to throw him off towards the enemy troops like a cannonball.

"Long time no see." (Y/N) stated. Peter looked over at him, his mask deactivating as he gave a smile.

"Hey. How you doing, man?" Peter sprang over to him with surprising enthusiasm.

"Kind of in the middle of a war, so I'm unsure. How are you?" (Y/N) asked.

"Man, you would not believe what's been going on. Do you remember when we were in space? I got all dusty and stuff. I guess I passed out or something, because I woke up and everyone was gone. But Doctor Strange was there, right? And he was like 'it's been five years. Come on, they need us.' And then he started doing the yellow sparkly thing that he does all the time." Peter mimed his way through the performance.

"I wouldn't know. I got a moon thrown at me and decided 'this ain't it chief.' So I left." (Y/N) patted a hand on Peter's shoulder, happy to see him after so long. Peter just nodded to himself as he glanced out and picked where to go next.

"What do you guys want me to do with this damn gauntlet?" Clint asked as he sprinted through the war zone around him.

"Make a damn friendship bracelet out of the stones. What do you think?" (Y/N) shot at him. "Get them away from here." He spun in the air, slicing an alien in two before landing down as another flew past him and into a wall.

"No!" Bruce cut in, striding out from nearby. "We need to get them back where they came from."

"Do you just see a time machine lying around? Our last one was just obliterated if you couldn't tell." (Y/N) narrowed his eyes.

"Hold on..." Scott shrank back down, fishing for the keys he had been keeping in his pocket. "That wasn't our only time machine."

A horn version of La Cucaracha echoed through the area like a siren in a storm. Steve ran up a piece of stone to try get a better view to try find the van it had come from. "Anyone see an ugly brown van out there?"

"Yes, but it's not in the most appealing parking spots." Ultron chimed in. The van was basically in the middle of enemy territory. It was a miracle it had survived this long.

"Scott, how long you need to get that thing working?" Tony asked.

"Uh, maybe 10 minutes." Scott answered.

"Then get to it. All we gotta do is get the stones to you." (Y/N) said, scanning the area. "Shouldn't be too difficul-" He was cut off as a blade swept up from his side, narrowly avoiding taking off his head and just barely cutting into his cheek as he recoiled.

Corvus Glaive skulked out towards him, spinning his blade in hand and growling.

"You son of a bitch!" (Y/N) said in a high voice as he felt blood trickle down his face. His eyes flashed a black light into the other man's retinas, suddenly causing his coordination to tumble. His focus failed him and his senses dulled down as if he had just woken up.

(Y/N) extended a blade down his arm and took a step forward to put the man down quickly, only to watch Corvus get shot in the side of the head and fall dead as his glaive hit the ground next to him..

(Y/N) just stared at the body blankly as Yelena held her gun up to the sky and looked at him in amusement. "You take too long."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are my skills not up to your standards?" He shot back with narrowed eyes. Yelena spun the pistol in her hand and put down three approaching Chitauri all while her eyes were glued to (Y/N).

"No, but they'll do." The woman sighed before running off again. (Y/N) huffed, turning and wandering off again.

Shadow Of Darkness: Avengers x Male Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن