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   Sitting at the table surrounded by strangers, I was immersed in Kimberly's world. If the many speeches weren't enough, simply watching the way everyone seemed to gravitate around her showed proof of her undeniable charisma. Kimberly's the kind of woman that makes you pause and admire. Her poise and professionalism were a side of her she comfortably showed the world; the armor she must bear to maneuver through shark-infested waters. 

Although the edge in her remained, after all, this was Kim we're talking about, it was also clear that her workplace was her haven. A place where she thrived and stored towards her goals, with her people supporting her from the sideline. 

   Kim stood across the room, nursing her champagne as she entertained a conversation with Destiny. She sported a cheeky smile, as the woman carried on and she nodded along. Breaking eye contact for a few seconds, her eyes lowered to her glass. As she brought it to her mouth, her gaze fell on me. Instantly captivated, I felt my heartbeat pick up. I held her gaze, the both of us too stubborn to look away first. When she did, I smirked and picked up my glass. With one last glance my way, I raised the coup towards her. Smiling mischievously, she did the same before taking a sip. 

A few minutes later, my glass sat empty on the table and my girl was walking over. Naturally, I stood up and got ready to pull her chair when she placed her hand on mine, stopping my action.

"Come with me," she said before reaching for the few gifts sitting on the table. 

"I got it," I said, grabbing them instead. "Thank you," she whispered and I smiled in response. 

We left the conference room soon thereafter. The further we walked, the quieter it got, leaving only the clicking of her heels to disturb the otherwise silent hall. 

   When we reached her office, I stepped ahead to open the door. For a moment she paused, eyeing my arms full of her presents while I held open the door with my body. She rolled her eyes at my manly action and stepped inside. "I'm gonna have to get back to work soon," she said as I put her stuff on the desk. Before I could turn, a pair of arms snaked around my waist. "I just needed a minute alone with you," she spoke softly, her face pressed against my back. 

   I turned around in her hold. She gazed up at me, utterly unphased by my action only sliding her arms from around my waist to my neck. I caged her between mine, tugging her close. I could only stand to have her so close for a few seconds before my lips were on hers. She gasped against my mouth and I swallowed that sound, kissing her for every hour we were apart. 

"I'm gonna need more than a few seconds to congratulate you properly," I said between kisses and she groaned in response. 

   Even in this haze of lust, I remained rooted in reality. At the sound of approaching footsteps, I pulled away enough to break our kiss, but not far enough to be considered a professional distance. Her breaths tickled my lips, her forehead finding rest against mine. 

"At what time is our reservation?" she asked.

"7:30," I said and she nodded to herself.

When finally she looked at me, a smile accompanied her definitive nod. "That gives you plenty of time to congratulate me properly before the assembly," she teased, tightening her arms around my neck.

"Hmm, it does, doesn't it," I said while wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.

   At that, she giggled. Her eyes sparked with awe and admiration before she tugged me down again, embracing her lips with mine. This was my invitation. I savored the taste of her, honored to be the one here she let the mask fall around, freeing the sassy woman she hid behind her anal demeanor. 

When we pulled away, her smile was eminent and contagious. "I'll pick you up at 6:30," I said. She nodded vigorously, her excitement clear. "I'll be ready."

That she would be. 

   With a final kiss, we parted ways. As I made my way down to the elevator, I passed by Destiny. Instantly, a knowing smile tugged at her lips. Shushing her with my fingers, her smile only widened as did mine. This might be too many surprises for one day, but really, what I had planned tonight would only be the beginning of an adventure with no end.

Kimberly won't know what hit her. 

~Thank you for reading this chapter.~

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~I hope you're all doing well.~

~Love you!!!~

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