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   When I got to work in the morning, Miki had that knowing look in his eyes from the moment I walked in.

"I take it you have good news for me."

He smirked and walked over to me.

"Ella's trying to run."

My head snapped in his direction.

"She's what?"

"Relax. She didn't actually leave yet but it's safe to assume that that's what's on her mind."

"I didn't know you were psychic."

He only laughed before placing the laptop on the desk.

I was now looking at a security camera footage where Ella, wearing a very obvious disguise, had just purchased train tickets.

"Just enough for her and the kids."

"That's what I was thinking."

"At least now we know who she's so afraid of. I'm willing to bet that her husband is the one who raped her."

I instantly got up and added what we just discovered on the board.

"Her husband is now our prime suspect."

"Don't we already have enough to get her case thrown out?"

"We do but it's best for us to come full circle before calling her for a meeting. For now, we still have empty spaces that need filling. Once we have all the info, she'll have no choice but to back out and our reputation will be safe."

Miki nodded understandingly right when Akira walked in.

"Good morning. What did I miss?" she said while putting down her stuff.

"Miki will get you up to date. I'll be in my office if you need me."

I walked out of the room and went straight to my office. I could almost taste the victory as I grabbed my phone to call my very trusted friend at the CPD.


"I need you to do something for me."

"Uh, alright. What is it?"

"Find out if Ella Smith has any family in any states or cities nearby."

"Do I even want to know why?"

"It's for a case."

I could already picture her annoyed face on the other line before hearing her sigh.

"Alright. I'll let you know what I find."

"Thanks, Isobel."

Now, all I had left to do was wait.  

   You never realize how hard the concept of reading is until you're trying to keep your eyes open. If there's one thing I hated more than being lied to, it's falling asleep at work. Colton once again found a way to keep me up all night and now I was tired. So tired that I couldn't even focus on what Bruce was saying.

"Kimberly, are you even listening to me?" he snapped, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry. Start over."

"Ella has her mother in Milwaukee, cousins in Detroit, and a sister in Indianapolis. She visited her mother three times in the past five months. We also found out that three weeks ago, she cashed out just enough money to rent out an apartment just across her mother's place."

"If she cashed it out how do we know that's what it was for?"

"Well... we're not sure yet..."

"Then don't make it sound like you are. You're on the right trail but never present unverified information as facts."

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