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   One thing that I always loved about Claudia Martinez's clinic was the little play area that she had set up in the waiting room. There were puzzles, construction games, and even a few children's books, full of colorful illustrations to help the grumpy tots wait their turn. Usually, Sam picked out the comics. He always skimmed through the various scenes drawn out, making up his own story with the drawing.

Today, however, he was leaning up again Colton, staring at the floor aimlessly.

I watched him closely, my heart aching as he moved his head, looking for a more comfortable position.

"Are you going to get that?" Colton said in a hushed voice.

I shot him a confused look.

He motioned with his chin to my hand, and I only now noticed my phone buzzing.

It was a call from Jarred.

"Oh," I mumbled under my breath, giving him a thankful nod as I got up to answer.

"Hey," I said once far enough to not disturb Sam any further.

"Hi. Are you alright? I've been texting you but you're not answering," Jarred spoke calmly, but I couldn't miss the worry etched in his voice.

I sighed heavily, looking back toward Sam as I answer his question.

"Yeah, sorry. Sam is sick and I had to stay up late."

"Oh? What's wrong with him?"

"He has a throat infection. I'm at the doctor's now."

It was his turn to sigh, "Poor kid," I heard him whisper and my heart squeezed at his reaction.

   Although Jarred always understood my situation, it was nice to be reminded that he saw me as a packaged deal. We never had to avoid talking about our kids and he always cared to know what was going on in my son's life. Out of the multitudes of reasons I had to fall for this man, his interest in all aspects of my life had to be one of the reasons my heart began to thaw at the idea of love. The fact that he understood my need to take things slow was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

"You okay staying there by yourself?" He asked and for a moment I stopped pacing, looking back towards Colton who has Sam's head on his thigh.

   For a second there I debated telling him about Colton. Though they'd never officially met, I'd glossed over our relationship well enough for him to know that things between us were anything but good. He made his disdain for him very clear but was still respectful enough not to push his jealousy.

In the end, I opted for the truth.

Colton was here only because of Sam.

I was sure Jarred would understand that.

"Colton is there with me."

Silence ensued, and I hated that my nerves bundled up in my throat.

"Oh... Alright then. Good," he simply said, breaking the silence only shortly before allowing it to once again take over.

I leaned up against the wall, and hummed, making it clear that the notion was as awkward for me as it was for him when the sound of a door opening and Dr. Martinez's voice brought me back to reality.

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