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I'm a fucking coward. There's no doubt there.

   It took me four years to turn my life around, then two more to face her. Had it been up to me, I would've delayed this as much as possible. But Nick needed the best attorney I could get my hands on, and word on the street always led me back to her.

They were right though. Kim had become the kind of lawyer that made people think twice about pressing charges.

I smirked remembering her as a law student, all proud of herself after those practice trials where she'd crush the defense every time.

I didn't even know what she was talking about. Shit, even back then I hardly ever knew what she was talking about.

Sober or not though, I always knew she'd make it big... with or without me.

From my parked car, I observed the silent street. It was dark out, the neighborhood illuminated by the orange street lights. Her house was dark, as it was when I arrived an hour ago.

I checked my watch to confirm it'd been that long. It had.

Impatient jitters began to set in as I grabbed my phone, pondering if I should call her.

They should've been here by now.

Since when did kid parties run so late?

My train of thought came to a sudden halt when a pair of glaring headlights beamed in my eyes.

With a muttered curse, I shielded my gaze from the bright glare, watching from behind my palm as the car parked in front of her house.

A few minutes later, a tall, bald man stepped out of the driver's side and went around the car.

My jaw clenched. I would recognize that asshole anywhere.

   Like a fucking damsel in distress, Kim extended her hand for him to take and he helped her out. I rolled my eyes at them. Since when was Kimberly into that outdated chivalric bullshit?

Without looking back, she went to unlock the front door while he grabbed something in the back seat.

When he got out, my heart sank.

In his arms, my boy slept peacefully. I could imagine his resting face pressed against his shoulder, lost in his slumber, without a care in the world.

He walked up the steps leading to the house and instead of grabbing my kid out of his hand, Kim ushered him into the house, pointing directions before closing the door behind him.

Now, I was fuming.

Would she let him tuck him in? I wondered as my grip around the steering wheel tightened.

   Shadows moved around behind the curtains. I was chewing on my cheeks, a nervous habit, tasting blood at this point. Once Sam was in bed, there was no telling what she'd allow him to do to her. Memories of them cozying up at the club came to mind. His hands on her thighs, the way he kissed her, long and deep. If they had the gull to act so crass in a room full of people, it wouldn't be a sleeping child upstairs that would stop them.

I groaned. I'll be damned for allowing my thoughts to wander.

   Glaring at the front door as though I could will it to open, my body tensed from the suspense. The AC was on full blast, but my palms and neck were sweating from the barely contained rage. My agitation grew towards something darker as the seconds ticked by.

It started as a mere idea. Then was quickly followed by a list of all the ways it would make everything so much better.

I shifted in my seat.

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