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When Jarred shifted again, his arms around my waist loosened. I pumped my fist victoriously, releasing a breath I hadn't realized I was holding in.

With no time to ponder, I jumped on the chance of an escape.

   All my clothes were left downstairs, which I was thankful for. The last thing I wanted was to be caught-handed, trying to sneak out after staying the night. I was walking to the door when an unknown feeling spread through my heart.

Looking back at the dining room, the memories I believed would be coming back weren't the ones playing in my head.

   I recalled our conversations, the sensible electricity that flowed between us. The ease with which awkward moments seemed to fade and the realization that my comfort was at the forefront of our interactions. Guilt knawed at me as I stepped out the door. Too many lines were blurred and staying for breakfast would only further that.

As I drove home, my thoughts jumped from one subject to the next, all concerning Jarred.

What was this man doing to me?

My sexual appetite was satiated ten folds, but now I was left with a new hunger. A thirst I didn't believe myself ready to quench, in fear I'd drown in the overflow.

As I reached the turn onto my street, I exhaled deeply at the thought of a warm shower.

"You got to be kidding me," I mumbled under my breath when the driveway came into view and none other than Colton stood there waiting.

I wasn't even out of the car yet before he came to stand by my door.

"Where have you been? I've been calling you for hours."

"Good morning to you too," I said, exiting the car, not waiting on his response before walking past him.

One in the house, the relief I'd expected with home never coming. His negative energy permeated the room, tainting the atmosphere.

I went into the kitchen, dropping my keys before reaching for the fridge for a cold glass of water.

"You look like you've had a rough night."

I could feel him eyeing me down.

There was no way to hide the hickeys Jarred left on my neck, I didn't want to either. I'd done nothing wrong and after downing the glass of cooling beverage, I gasped and smirked at him.

"What do you want, Colton?"

He raised an eyebrow, silently questioning me. I remained relaxed in my posture, leaning against the island, one fist on my hip as I watched him roll his shoulders, looking around as if searching for something.

"Is Sam up yet?"

"He's at a sleepover at a friend's house," I answered nonchalantly, walking over to the sink to wipe up my glass before putting it in the cabinet.

"So, you were out all night," he said, matter-of-factly and I spun around to face him.

"What if I was? Why does it matter to you what I do in my free time?"

"You're the mother of my child."

"So what? He's safe at a sleepover. I had some free time so I decided to blow off some steam."

"Blow off some steam? Kim, you reek of sex and your neck is covered in hickeys. The Kimberly that I remember wouldn't even go to the store looking like this, yet here you are, driving around town looking like a..."

"Looking like what?" I stopped him in his speech, my anger growing at his audacity thinking he could still tell me what to do.

"Looking like what, Colton? A whore? A slut?" I emphasized the words, waiting for a reaction.

   His jaw clenched as I approached him. Angry as I was, I couldn't help being amused by this fight. He was so obviously jealous. My ego purred shamelessly at the subtle compliment.

"So what's wrong with that, Colton? You didn't mind me being your little slut," I whispered as I got closer to him, batting my lashes, feigning innocence.

He didn't answer, his stare instance as if telling me to back down.

To hell with that.

I hadn't disrespected anyone by sleeping with Jarred. Unlike him who'd cheated on me numerous times, I'd remained single for years after went our separate ways and still had the decency to keep my casual hook up out of my house where I raised our child.

   Memories of all the times I'd cried myself to sleep, wondering if I'd ever be enough came surging back. I'd been too blind to see the truth, too naive to accept that this was who he was, and there was nothing I could do that'd change that.

Stepping even closer, I took back the power that was rightfully mine.

"Colton, I need you to know something," I said softly, focused on his hairy arm, trailing a hand up his roof skin.

His hairs rose under my touch, and I smirked a the reaction before glancing up, unafraid to stare directly into his eyes.

"I am not the Kimberly you remember."

I plastered on a satisfied smile as he just stood there with his mouth shut, a long exhale leaving his flared nostrils.

"Anyway, Sam is not here and I have things to do so you can see yourself out. Good day, Colton."

I didn't wait for his reply before sauntering out of the room with my head held high.

I knew better than to play with fire. But damn did it feel good to finally have the upper hand?

Once I was sure he was out of the house, I came downstairs and locked the front door, in case he tried to come to bother me again.

My candles were on and the bathtub was full of fluffy, white bubbles.

I was just about to step in when my phone pinged with a message notification.

Sinking into the warm water, the guilt I'd felt when I snuck out on Jarred came back with a force.

"I had a good time last night. Hope you made it home well. Next time, remind me to tie you to my headboard. I can't have you leaving without a morning refresher."

I let out a relieved breath.

   He wasn't angry, although I wish he had been. So far, Jarred has only managed to make me like him more and more. I was headed into dangerous territory. But the thrill of the chase was highly seductive and who was I to turn away the deal of a lifetime?

There were two possible outcomes. Either I got in way over my head or missed the opportunity of a lifetime.

   It seemed I'd taken a gamble on both my personal and professional life. As complicated as I seemed to make things for myself, I couldn't deny I was hooked on the thrill, and the eventual odds of going after what I wanted. 

~Thank you for reading this chapter.~

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~I hope you're all doing great and staying safe.~

~Love you!~

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