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"This isn't up for discussion," I said firmly, raising the large shades to sit them on top of my head as Colton gawked at me as if I'd grown a second head.

"If it wasn't, then why am I here?" he questioned, motioning to the park adjacent to Sam's school where we waited for his return.

"I have a say and I say no," he said, his voice clipped with anger, although he managed to keep a relatively low tone.

I crossed my legs and joined my hands together on my knee, adopting my most diplomatic voice.

"I'm doing this as a courtesy to you, Colton. As his father, you have a right to know about this, but don't mistake this as me asking for your permission, because I don't need it."

Looking away from him to smile at familiar faces, I was glad to have picked this location. He hadn't given me many options to choose from. Jarred and I came back from our trip a few days ago. Since then, I have tried to set up a meeting with Colton on two occasions, which he flaked on last minute. Aliyah's birthday was on Saturday and we were already Thursday. A public park wasn't my first option, but given our track record at handling disagreements, doing this out in the open forced us to remain focused on the topic at hand instead of making a scene.

Colton got up from the bench and began walking back and forth with hands running through his hair. His suit was ready to pop from all the tension coming from him as he tried to control his anger. When he finally looked at me, his eyes held a mix of disappointment and betrayal.

"Kim, why are you doing this?" he asked, sounding defeated.

"We're doing fine, aren't we? Why do you have to bring someone else into our lives?"

For a few seconds, I held his gaze, just long enough to confirm he was serious.

I gathered my purse and stood, crossing my arms over my chest as I stepped up to him.

"Colton, there is no we."

My words were biting and I knew he felt the sting, evident by the movement in his jaw as he gritted his teeth.

This was hard for him to hear, but it had to be said. I hadn't been leading him on, so any assumptions he had about us need to be put to rest.

"It's not about you. It's about me having finally found a good man worthy of my love and we're tired of sneaking around like teenagers."

Colton huffed and rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"You were doing just fine till now. Where have you been for the past couple of weeks?" he fired back, watching me expectantly.

I took a careful step back, not liking where he was directing this conversation.

"That's none of your business and besides the point," I shrugged dismissively, my confidence slipping away as if I'd been caught red-handed.

He stepped forward, so close I needed to look up at him, and met with his scrutinizing gaze.

"Oh, but it is, Kim. It has everything to do with this since you decided you were going to bring my son around your boy toy."

I grimaced at his portrayal of Jarred and glanced around, hoping no one heard his crude remark.

"Could you keep it down?" I sneered, glaring up at him.

He smirked but it was in no way playful, "Why? Are you embarrassed people would know a woman as stiff as you can get laid? I mean, they wouldn't guess that looking at you," he said in a mocking tone.

Now I was fuming.

There was no need for all this. I wanted to tell him off, hit him where it hurt, but I thought of my next move.

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