Chapter 46

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After our confessions of love, it seemed like Louis and I had grown impossibly closer over the last few days. I couldn't help but ponder over how that wasn't very favourable since he was leaving next week. I tried to push that thought away as much as I could. There wasn't really any point in dwelling on the inevitable.

I tried to enjoy our time together- which had shot up considerably- by just melting into his warmth and touch. Every time he came over or I went to his place, it would be cuddles and kisses. Nothing ever went farther than heated make out sessions. At the end of the day, I would always fall asleep in his arms, but not missing the whispered 'I love you' that he'd say.

It started accidentally. I wasn't trying to stay awake on purpose. I was just trying to feel Louis around me, being clung to him like a koala bear. I did not move at all and that is probably why Louis thought that I was asleep. That's when I heard him whisper it. I started staying awake everyday until he'd say it and never once did he fail to do it. It had started to become my safe haven and the thought of me secretly listening in, made me feel even better.

"Hazza, you there?" I heard from down stairs and sprinted all the way to reach the source of the voice.

"Hi Lou!" I cheered, rushing into his arms. He stumbled a little and accidentally knocked our heads together.

"Oops." he said and I grinned at him. "You know, I love the way you always rush into my arms no matter how often we meet." he said, swiping some hair off my forehead.

"I try to make the best out of time." I grinned like a Cheshire Cat- pun intended.

"Alright alright, mister. What do you wanna do, then?"

"The usual. You know, kiss, eat, laze around, watch TV and then fall asleep." I answered, nodding my head from side to side.

"You're such a cute little kitten, Harold." he said, kissing my nose. As if it was a reflex, I scrunched my nose. "See? A kitten." he repeated, booping it this time and walking towards the stairs to go up to my room.

"Ugh. Why do you always say that?" I groaned dramatically. I followed him and secretly smiled at how comfortable he was with moving around in my house without bothering to ask.

"Because you are." he stated matter of factly.

"Whatever." I mumbled.

"Oh, come on now. Don't be bitter, Harold." he said. I pouted in response. "Haaroold!" he exclaimed before running towards me and picking me up. I squeaked because of the unexpected assault. He threw me over his shoulder and tried to run all the way upstairs.

"Lou! Put me down!" I laughed.

"No way. This should teach you a lesson, kitten." Louis answered.

"I'm heavy!" I protested.

"No, you're not. You're as light as a bundle of feathers for me." he replied. I knew better than to try and argue with him over this. He would win, anyway.

As soon as we reached my bedroom door, he kicked it open and threw me on the bed. "Lou!" I screamed, hitting the mattress with a light thud. It didn't hurt, thankfully. "I don't have a plush, soft mattress. What if I would have gotten hurt?" I whined.

"I see you still haven't learnt your lesson, baby." he said, completely ignoring my point. I just gave him a confused look back. "What did I say a few moments ago? No pouting." he explained. I made an 'oh' face and nodded my head in understanding.

"Looks like I'll have to kiss it away then, eh?" he asked, smirking seductively.

"That could work." I replied, visibly gulping. It was fascinating how much he affected me, but I was not complaining.

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