Chapter 13

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It was really cold and I did not like it too much. I hated wearing too many or too heavy clothes because they weighed me down and took too much energy off of me. However, the weather did not really allow me to to make choices so, I was wearing jeans and a thick jacket. Whenever I looked around, I always thought that, I felt colder than anyone and everyone around me but then again, it was nothing new for me. I always felt different from other people. I always felt like a strange, abnormal person who had deep social issues. I can’t talk without stuttering and most of the time, I can’t really even talk at all. I was weird and I hated that.

I always thought too much and often ended up panicking. There was one thing that calmed me, though. In the beginning of the school year, I managed to capture a blurry picture of Louis Tomlinson, which has been my wallpaper ever since. He was the most fascinating person I had ever laid my eyes on. His blue eyes were extremely beautiful even though I had never really had a clear look at them because I was too scared to. I also had an ‘in progress’ sketch of him in my cupboard. I liked thinking about him or just staring at his photo but I knew that there stood absolutely no chance of him and I ever being friends or something more.

The first time that I saw Louis, was when I was in seventh grade. He was this new boy that Liam brought to one of our hang out plans and introduced us to. Even though he was meeting us for the very first time, he was all confident and that was something I thought that I would like to have in me. He tried to make conversation with all of us but, that was the only time that I remember Louis trying to talk to anyone out of the three of us. He usually just stays with Liam and other guys from his grade. Even in that first meeting, he seemed to be annoyed by me because, he didn’t even look at my side except for the very first moment. He made talking to me seem like a chore and I was probably nothing but, an annoying fly to him. I was pretty sure he hated me for how awkward I was and well, of course, there was no match between me and Louis Tomlinson.

I was standing at my locker, taking out some textbooks for my upcoming classes. The bell for the first period was yet to ring and I was already in the mood to leave school. I was always scared of this place but, there was no escape, so I closed my locker and started walking to where I knew I was gonna find my friends. As always, I was looking on the ground and not ahead because for some reason, I don’t think that I can look people in the eyes so I just walk with my head hanging down.

As I was moving through the crowded hallway, suddenly I got pushed into a boy and all my books fell off onto the ground. In the split second that I lifted my head up, I immediately recognised him. I got even more scared than I already was and just quickly bent down to pick my textbooks up. Meanwhile, he started saying stuff to me half of which, was muffled because I was almost panicking.

“Wot are you doing? Is it really that hard to have a look of where you’re going, eh?”

“I’m sorry” I said, very quietly.

“Wot! I can’t really hear you, ya know.”

“I’m sorry” I said, a little louder than the last time.

“Well then you better look where you’re going, curly.” he said and then he took off.

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I did not want my day to start like this. I could feel a few people either staring at me or letting little laughs out. Why did it have to be like this? I tried to shove my thoughts away and got up. Just as I turned round the corner, Zayn and Niall approached me.

“Hey Harry! We have been waiting for you.” Niall said.

I just nodded without looking up. If I did, they’d notice the tears and I did not want that happening.

“Harreh, you’re the worst at hiding your feelings, you know that, right?” Zayn said as he hugged me, right there. It was just a brief hug, though, as we were in the middle of the school hallway.

“I’m okay.” I let out a whimper.

“No you’re not and you’re telling us why.” Niall said.

“It’s nothing, really.”

“H, speak up or I’m not talking.”

“Alright... I just um, bumped into Louis and well-”

“Did he say something to you? I swear to god I’m gonna break his nose this time!” Niall cut me off.

“That’s not necessary.” I said, softly.

“You don’t get to decide that. What did he say this time?!”


“Harry, you’re making me really impatient.”

“He said nothing, Niall!” I shouted.

Just as it happened, all of the heads around us turned to look in our direction. I could feel my fists clenching tightly and my cheeks glowing red because of the heat. I felt angry because of how miserable I was. My friends wanted to protect me but I wanted to be strong enough myself. I wanted to stand up for myself but I couldn’t. I also did not want to blame Louis for anything. Even though he was so rude, I still wanted to defend him so, I shouted at my best friend. I could tell by looking at Niall that he was hurt. He looked taken aback and his eyes looked surprised and sad. Now that the moment had passed, I started to feel really bad about what I just did.

“I’m sorry, Niall. I didn’t mean to.”

“It’s okay, H. I get it. I shouldn’t have pushed so far.”

“Niall I-” Just as I was about to continue, the bell rang and I simply shook my head.

“Well, I guess we’ll see you around, Harry.” Zayn said, touching my shoulder one last time before both of them left.

I stood there for a second before starting to walk again. I knew that I had to come up with an apology because, even though Niall was an eased up guy, he was hurt. He was just trying to be on my side and I pushed him off. One part of me wished that I could talk to him right away but, the other, just needed some time alone to think and to calm down. I decided to talk to him in the lunch break. Until then, I just had to get through 4 more periods without getting into any kind of further trouble.


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