Chapter 29

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I was on my way to Niall’s. It was supposed to be a quality time spending but also, we were planning on starting to put together Zayn’s birthday party. In two days, he would be turning seventeen. We were thinking about a huge party at first but, Liam reminded us that we just had a new year’s party so, a sweet surprise would be a better choice. We hadn’t really agreed, yet. The day was beautiful and the sun was shining calmly, which was a rare occurrence in winters so, I decided to ride my bicycle to reach Niall’s place.

I obviously had the directions fit perfectly in my head so, I was riding rather absent mindedly. The cool breeze was brushing past my cheeks making them feel frozen but, I was enjoying it. My hair were flying in all the directions, some times popping out in front of my eyes, making it hard to see. I continued putting them behind my ear and moving forward. It took me quite some minutes to reach my destination and when I did, my smile grew even wider. I did not even notice how I was grinning, walking towards the door.

I knocked softly, knowing that he would be in the living room, itself. It was common knowledge for me to know where he would be, what he would be doing and everything about his day. We had gone through an incredible and almost irrational growth in the past two weeks and I had started to feel as if I had known him for years. People might not believe me when I’d say this but, I already knew him as well as Harry, Liam and Zayn did. More or less. I know that it’s stupid to think that I can catch up so soon but, I somehow did. We had spent hours telling each other about our stories, growing up and at points, it almost felt as if we had lived them together.

The door opened and the blonde boy was standing right there with a grin bigger than mine. Oh, isn’t that so beautiful? I waved at him- my signature style- and he leaned in to slowly brush his lips against my cheek.

“Hello there. Did you enjoy the weather enough, baby?” he asked me.

“I very much did, thank you. Are you going to let me in or make me enjoy the weather for longer?” I joked.

“Now that I think of it, I might just shut the door on your face.” he answered.

“You wouldn’t dare.” I said, challenging him and rolling my eyes to depict how ridiculous and impossible I thought of the thing to happen.

“You wouldn’t know.” he smirked. I liked the healthy sarcasm we always had between us. I was never a fan of those excessively sweet relationships. All I looked for in a partner was, comfort in everything that we do together, including taunting each other playfully.

“Just shut up and move.” I said, pushing him away from his shoulders but, being careful so as to not be too harsh. 

“I would have killed any other person if they did that to me.” he stated, trying to talk in a serious tone while closing the door.

“But you can’t kill me.” I replied.

“Not necessarily.” he said right before running in my direction and knocking me out on the couch. I was lied down on the soft surface, while he was there on top of me, smirking his lips out. My hair were sprawled all over and he was supporting his body with his hands on either side of my shoulders.

He smiled at me once more before leaning down and pressing our lips together. He gently moved his lips with mine in flawless synchronisation. The contact was soft and wet. I could feel his hot breath on my face and he pulled away soon, looking deep into my eyes. I slowly examined his features. I had them memorised but still, I could never stop studying them, over again.

His blue eyes remained locked on mine. I thought about how his eyes weren’t simply blue. They had tinges of green, yellow and purple. His eyes weren’t of the common kind and that was one of the reasons why I never got tired of thinking the same thing every time I looked into them. His lips looked red and plump, sweeter with his smile still on them. His hair were messy and all over his forehead because, he had given up on getting nicely dressed and prepared for me, which only made me feel even better.

The Parallels (Larry Stylinson+Niall Horan) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang