Chapter 14

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It was almost lunch break. Nothing significant had happened until now. I was always the back bencher who just sat quietly through the class and left once the period was over. I hadn’t thought of anything to say to Niall. I guess, that just had to be done then and there. I was really bad at instant situations so, I had no idea how it was going to go. I felt nervous because I did not want to lose my best friend. Our fight wasn’t big enough to be permanent but, I was still scared of having an awkward energy between us and Niall and Zayn were the only two people who made me feel safe so, that would not be a very good thing for me.

I walked past my locker, heading towards the cafeteria. I was very careful of where I was going because I did not want another incident to occur. When I entered the crowded hall, I saw Niall and Zayn sitting with the girls. I did not like that. I usually did not mind their company and I’d agree to sit with them any time but, right now wasn’t that time. I wanted Zayn and Niall to be alone with me so that I could talk about what had happened. Even in normal circumstances, I wasn’t the best at making conversations and now, with the fight and the girls there, it seemed almost impossible to even think of being able to get a word out. I slowly walked to the table and sat down. I did not look at anyone and kept staring at my hands.

“Hey Harry.” Eyrie said.

“Hey” I replied, silently.

“Are you alright? You seem quieter than usual.”

At that question, I looked at Niall who looked away as soon as he caught my eye. That made my heart sink. I did not know what to do hence, I returned to looking back at my hands and said “Yes, I am.”

She looked at me for a while and then got back to eating her lunch. Five of them started talking again, none of which was getting in my head. The only thing that I could make out was, Niall laughing along with them and that bugged me. I did not like the fact that he was so upset with me and even then, I was doing nothing to change that. I kept blaming myself and glancing at him occasionally. After a lot of thinking, I took a deep breath and let go of words in the fastest ever manner.

“I’m sorry for what happened and I wish you would forgive me.”

“I’m sorry, what did you say, Harry? I couldn’t make it out.” Eyrie asked.

“I’m sorry for what happened and I wish you would forgive me, Niall.” I repeated, slower this time. I was still not looking up, I wasn’t that courageous. The table fell silent as I waited for Niall’s answer and when he didn’t say anything, I finally peered at him. He wasn’t looking at me or anyone. He was just staring at the table. I felt tears stir up in my eyes and in that sudden moment, I got up and rushed out of the cafeteria, towards the restrooms. I couldn’t take it any more. I couldn’t look at Niall and see the hurt that I had caused him. I was too weak and I did not wish to show the girls my tears. Even though I knew that Eyrie knew about my emotional state, I still wasn’t ready to let it out in front of the them. I didn’t think I would ever be and why should I be? Why should I show to the world how pathetic I am?

I opened the door roughly and entered the first empty stall. I slammed the door shut and sat down. Throwing the bag to the ground, I put my head into my hands and started crying. I scratched my head, pulled at my hair and did everything I could to keep my voice down. I did not want any attention drawn towards me which, I guessed was hard considering the way that I had barged out of the cafeteria. After a few minutes, I heard the door outside, open and then close. I wasn’t sure if it was one of my friends or someone random.

That’s when I heard his voice. “Harry? Harry, is that you?” he asked.

“Liam?” I replied, in a shaky voice.

“Are you okay? Can you please come out here?” he asked. His voice seemed concerned. 

“I don’t want to” I sobbed.

“Harry please come outside.”

I did not say anything for a few moments and then slowly opened the stall door. I was looking at the floor when I walked out.

“Oh my god, Harry! Why are you crying so much?”

“I’m sorry.” I said, as he slid his arms around me.

“Why are you sorry? Harry, what’s going on?”

Just as I was about to speak, Liam pulled away from me and I finally looked up. When I realised that we two weren’t the only ones there, I froze. There he was, standing and looking flawless, as always. His blue eyes shining and his hair perfectly hanging in front of his forehead. On the screen of my phone, that face would have calmed me down but, now that he was standing in front of me, I felt panic creep in. I was crying and he could see how pitiful I was.

“What- what’s he doing here?” I stuttered.

“Louis? Well, we just walked in together but then I thought I heard you so I called out.”

“Okay. I.. uhm...I should.. uh... I should leave now.”

“But Harry, you never told me what happened.”

“I can tell you that later.”

“Okay. As you wish, then.” Liam replied, disappointed.

As soon as he said that, I picked my bag and left. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. Louis was right there and looking straight at me. I tried imagining how I looked through his eyes and I was pretty sure that I was just some broken, emotional wreck in his view. I had just found my way to the staircase when Eyrie bumped into me. I really did not want any more conversations but I knew that she wouldn’t let me go. But then, I saw them. It wasn’t just her. Niall and Zayn turned round the corner to stand right in front of me. I thought for a moment and then spoke up.

“I am so sorry, Niall. Please, please forgive me. I really didn’t mean for it to happen. I let my emotions get in the way again. I promise I’ll try to be a better friend, Niall. I am so sorry. Please don’t be so mad at me.” And at that, I started crying. Right there, in front of so many people. But to my relief, not many noticed.

“Hey, H! It’s no big deal, lad. Come ‘ere.” Niall said as he hugged me. “It wasn’t supposed to get this big and you are a great friend, okay? I don’t have any complains and I do not want you to change. I love you as you are and now, just calm down. You still got 4 classes to get through, alright?”

“Thank you.” I replied, out of breath.

“It’s okay, Haz. Let’s get you to your next class.” he said.

As the three of us started climbing the stairs, I looked down and I saw Eyrie give me a brief smile. I smiled back and the best part was, I did have the energy to really smile, just a little.


Hello people. This is a little shoutout to Z(Aven) for being an amazing reader and for making me feel good about my writing, haha. Thank you :)
Happy reading❤

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