13 : Touch Me

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Gerard's POV

I feel terrible.

Frank got hurt and it's all my fault. I don't know what came over me that day, it was almost as if I blacked out. I couldn't believe he wanted to leave me. I couldn't let him go, I never can. I shouldn't have taken away his ability to walk but I feel much safer knowing he can't go anywhere. I feel bad leaving him alone today but I need to get supplies for him. I need crutches for him when he heals more, a shower chair, because I know he's not going to let me help him shower. But still I allowed myself to imagine that as I drove. How he would look so beautiful, how good it would feel with my hands all over his body. Fuck. I need to calm down I can't let my fantasies cloud my thoughts. I shifted in my seat.

I got to the store and luckily it wasn't busy. I really don't like being around other people. I only want to be around my sweet boy. I need to be with him. I could spend all my time with him and that's all I would need, I even enjoy watching him sleep. He looks so peaceful while sleeping. I sighed.

"I'll be with him soon." I mumbled to myself, not really caring if anyone noticed me talking to myself like a crazy person.

I picked out everything I needed, fresh bandages and cleaning supplies too. I need to keep him clean and safe so he doesn't get an infection. Unfortunately this store is an hour way from my house so I'd have to hurry to get back to him. I miss him so much.

The drive felt too slow. I need to get back to him. I need to touch him to know he's real, to know he's really here with me. He's safe with me. He may not realize it yet, but I'm the only person who can care for him, I'm the only person who loves him. No one could possibly love him the way I do. I sped up a little, not enough to get pulled over. I don't need to deal with that right now.

I got home and unlocked the door letting out a deep sigh. Everything I bought was still in the car. I need to check on Frank first. He's always my priority.

"Frankie?" I called, I suddenly heard a weak whimper and I ran to the living room.

Frank was on the floor, one hand rubbing his head, tears in his eyes. He glanced up at me and gave me the saddest expression. My heart broke. I shouldn't have left him alone. I should've known better. Leave it to Frank to get hurt within the few hours I left him alone.

"I fell." He sniffled.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry." I quickly ran over to him and picked him up off of the carpet, pulling him into my arms.

I got us on the couch and got him into my lap. I cradled him to my chest and brushed his hair from his eyes so I could see him. Tears fell from his eyes as he stared up at me. He looked so weak and fragile, I hate seeing him hurt.

"I hit my head." He whimpered, reaching up to run the red spot on his forehead. It didn't look too bad, just a small bump. But he's clearly in pain, not to mention his legs are still seriously damaged. I can tell he's just feeling weak all around.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you." I apologized quickly.

"No." He agreed, leaning into me and hiding his face against my chest.

I hated that he got hurt again but this is the first time he's willingly touched me on his own. I shivered with delight. It only got better when he wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged me closer.

"Everything hurts." He mumbled against me, still soaking my shirt in his tears. I didn't mind, I've been craving this, for him to want me.

"You can't have anymore pills right now." I sighed, there isn't much I can do for him except be here and love him.

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