7 : Photoshoot

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Gerard's POV

I need to check on Frank soon. After I got him to sleep I went upstairs and made some food for myself, I hadn't realized how hungry I was as I was too focused on the boy downstairs.

After eating I went to my room and changed into pajama pants and a T-shirt. I crawled up on my bed and set an alarm for two hours, I need to sleep after driving for twelve hours straight, I'm utterly exhausted. I need to keep my strength up just in case Frank tries something. I'm certain I'll hear Frank if he calls out to me, but I'm also sure he won't wake up anytime soon.

He fell asleep around noon, I should let him sleep for a while, he seemed so tired when I was down there. Sudden guilt washed over me as my knuckles throbbed slightly from hitting him. I cradled my hand to my chest, looking down to see redness blooming across them. I really never meant to hurt him, he doesn't deserve that. But he needs to listen to me, it's important he listens to me.

I sighed and closed my eyes, drifting into a peaceful sleep knowing that he was safe and sound here, one floor below me.


When I woke up I realized I over slept. It was nearly five in the afternoon. I immediately jumped up, what if Frank had called for me and I hadn't heard him? I scrambled out of my room and over to the basement door. I quickly unlocked it and swung it open. I was careful not to make too much noise walking down the loud steps in case he was still sleeping. When he came into view I saw that he was still fast asleep. I sighed, grateful.

I walked over to him and crouched down to his level to observe him. His pink lips were parted ever so slightly, he had drooled on the pillow as well. His eyelids flutters slightly as he stirred him his sleep but he didn't wake up. I reached out to gently push his hair out of his face to better see him.

"So pretty..." I mumbled to myself. Frank is truly the most beautiful man to walk this earth.

I'm so deeply in love with him, it physically hurts me. I crave his affection in return but I know he's still scared. It's going to take time before he loves me back, but I have all the time in the world to wait for him. I'm willing to be patient and work with him, although his attitude may need adjusting.

I hummed softly, unable stop myself anymore. I leaned down and pressed my lips gently to his forehead, loving every second of skin on skin contact with him. It's all I want.

"I love you." I hummed.

He suddenly stirred in his sleep again, I quickly leaned back, trying not to seem weird for watching him in his sleep. He blinked heavily at me before jumping back a little bit, crawling away from me. I sighed.

"Were you... were you watching me sleep?" He asked, his voice rough from sleeping, it sounded so low and gravelly compared to his usual speaking voice. It took everything in me not to get worked up at the sound.

"Of course not." I lied. "I just came down here to see if you were hungry for dinner."

"Oh." He paused. "What time is it?"

I chuckled softly at the confused look on his face. "Five."

"Oh." He said again.

I frowned suddenly as he glanced away from me, tilting his head to where I could see the spot I hit him. The dark bruise blooming across his cheek was more prominent now. I reached out to gently caress his face but he winced and pulled away.

"I'm sorry." I said, though I had already received his forgiveness.

He reached up to cup his hand over the bruise as if to hide it from me. "It's fine." He mumbled. I can tell he's still upset. I'll have to find a way to make this up to him.

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